发表于 2016-12-1 21:14:29
Yeah, sure that if I had a question I could rise my hand, but if I really
didn’t understand something it was up to me to learn it.
So perhaps the doubts and worries over do-it-yourself degree, had more to
do with it being unconventional, than it being genuinely more difficult than a
formal program.
And as I started doing the first few classes, my results were even more
surprising than that.
I found I was able to learn faster using this approach than I ever had
while in university.
So far from being an obstacle, it turned out that not going to MIT had made
my job a lot easier.
Okay, so that last bit deserves a little bit of an explanation. After all,
an MIT student has access to everything I do, and much much more.
How can I possibly have an advantage over a student when I have fewer
resources? It defies common sense.
So in order to explain this, I need to do a little bit of a detour. I need
to go into the geeky realm of personal productivity. So there is a tool called
the TimeLog.
And here is how the TimeLog works. You jot down the starting and the
stopping times for every activity you do. And I mean every activity, from when
you wake up in the morning, to when you take out the garbage.
Now my guess is that most of you here have never done a TimeLog before. You
can just imagine how irritating that is to do.
But if you do one, the results can be eye-opening.
So here’s a recent Wall Street Journal article where the reporter did just
She writes: “I soon realized I’d been lying to myself about where the time
was going. What I thought was a 60-hour workweek wasn’t even close. I would have
guessed I spent hours doing dishes when in fact I spent minutes. I spent long
stretches of time lost on the Internet or puttering around the house, unsure
exactly what I was doing.”
Now, because I am a huge geek I’ve done TimeLogs before and I can say the
situation is even worse for students.
The vast majority of time students spend, isn’t spent learning, it’s spent
commuting to class, copying notes at Starbucks, and trying to stay awake in
If you could total up the amount of time that students spend forming new
insights, and remembering facts which is of course what learning is, it would be
And for the most part, this is not even the student’s fault. After all,
entrepreneurs often notice a startling difference in their productivity, at a
start-up versus a big firm.
Big institutions mean bureaucracy. They mean paper work, they mean doing
what you’re told instead of what’s important.
So being an educational entrepreneur can therefore offer some learning
advantages over people in a formal system. So, take lectures as a perfect
So, when I would do MIT lectures, when I started doing the classes, I would
watch them at one and a half times the speed.
Now this may sound very difficult, but the difference is barely audible in
human speech, and of course, if it goes too fast, you just hit rewind.
Students in a regular classroom don’t have access to a fast-forward or
rewind button, even though I’m guessing most of them would like one.
And the impact of this isn’t trivial. By being able to watch lectures at a
slightly faster pace, and watching them sequentially, I was able to take classes
that normally span four months, and watch them in two days of real time.
Or take assignments. Students do assignments because they have to. Yes,
sometimes they facilitate learning, but sometimes they don’t.
For example, if you are struggling with a concept why wait weeks to get
your answers back?
When I would do a hard MIT assignment, I would do the questions with the
solution key in hand, one question at a time, because it’s tight feedback loops
like this that cognitive scientists recognize as being critical to learning.
And you don’t need to be a genius to apply these ideas either.
Being able to replay key segments of lectures; being able to get immediate
feedback on your skills; these are structural advantages that benefit slow
learners as much as they benefit fast ones.