107 task 1
The following charts describe the situation of patent application. Chart 1
is about trends of patent application form 1985 to 1999. Chart 2 shows the
proportion relevant to residents and non-residents in USA, Japan, Brazil and
In Chart 1, the column figures illustrates the number of native people in
USA is about 90000, while the non-native figure is 85000. Though the total
number is much than the situation of Japan, there are 140000 native people
applied for patent in this country. However, only 30000 applications are about
non-residents. At the same time, Brazil only contains native application and
Zabya only have non-native application.
Regarding Chart 2, the line graph shows an increasing trend of patent
application. From 1981 to 1995, the figure climbed steady with some slight
fluctuation. However, after 1995, this increasing trend began to ascend
dramatically from 3 million applications to almost 7 applications.
From the charts, in developed countries such as Japan and USA, the number
of patent application cases is numerous, while developing countries have low
figures. The patent applications improve rapidly recently. |