《行尸走肉第三季》该季主要讲述了瑞克带领大家逃离农场后在一座监狱建立了营地,同时和总督布莱恩•布莱克进行斗争的故事。第一集中两只行尸在屋子里面行走,瑞克带领队友们冲进屋子里面杀死行尸,一行人在屋子里面翻箱倒柜,达里尔走进一个房里面抓住一只猫头鹰。房子里面的资源所剩不多,众人搜寻结束回到监狱里面,整座监狱已被大量行尸占领,众人齐心协力清除监狱外围的大批行尸。夜幕降临,众人坐在火堆旁边烤火,贝丝唱了一首歌曲给大伙听,美妙的歌声冲淡黑暗给众人带来一丝温暖,这时,贝丝唱的这首歌就是《Parting glass》。
著名骊歌“Parting Glass”离别酒,由Cara Dillon演唱,她是北爱尔兰民谣歌手,英国国籍,天主教徒,这首歌在苏格兰地区广为传诵。
Oh,All the money that e'er I had 我所有的钱
I spent it in good company 都花在好友身上
And all the harm I've ever done 所有我造成的伤害
Alas, It was to none but me 唉,都只伤害到自己
And all I've done for want of wit 我一生求取智慧
To memory now, I can't recall 如今回顾,也再难追忆
So fill to me the parting glass 就请为我斟上这杯离别酒
Goodnight and joy be to you all! 晚安了各位,愿你们欢喜快乐!
Fill to me the parting glass 为我斟上这杯离别酒
And drink a health what e'er befalls 为健康举杯,无论遭遇什么
Then gently rise and softly call 然后轻轻站起,柔声的说
Goodnight and joy be to you all! 晚安了各位,愿你们欢喜快乐!
Of all the comrades that e'er I had 我所有的好伙伴
They're sorry for my going away 都不舍我离去
And all the sweethearts that e'er I had 我所有亲爱的人
They'd wish me one more day to stay. 都希望我多留一天
Since it fell into my lot 然而命中注定
That I should rise and you should not 我该起身先你们离开
I'll gently rise and softly call 我只好轻轻站起并柔声的说
Goodnight and joy be to you all! 晚安了各位,愿你们欢喜快乐!
But since it fell into my lot 既然命中注定
That I should rise and you should not 我该起身先你们离开
I'll gently rise and softly call 我只好轻轻站起并柔声的说
Goodnight and joy be to you all! 晚安了各位,愿你们欢喜快乐!
So fill to me the parting glass 就请为我斟上这杯离别酒
And drink a health what e'er befalls 为健康举杯,无论遭遇什么
Then gently rise and softly call 然后轻轻站起柔声说
Goodnight and joy be to you all! 晚安了各位,愿你们欢喜快乐! |