On the eve of Thanksgiving, president-elect Donald Trump released a new message to Americans asking that the country 'begin to heal our divisions'.感恩节前夕,候任总统唐纳德·特朗普发表讲话,呼吁美国民众弥合分歧。
In the new video released on Wednesday, Trump called on the nation to become unified once more amid weeks of protests and petitions to the Electoral College.在这个周三发布的视频中,特朗普号召国民在持续数周对总统选举团进行抗议和请愿之后能够再一次团结起来。
We’re very blessed to call this nation our home and that’s what American is, it is our home.我们很幸运地称这个国家为家园,这就是美国,这是我们的家园。
It's where we raise our families, care for our loved ones, look out for our neighbors, and live out our dreams.我们在这里安家、关心我们所爱之人、照顾友邻,并活出我们的梦想。【语言点解析】
这一句当中的care for和look out for是同义词组,都有“关心;照顾”的意思。动词多样化是英语的一大特点,大家在平时的学习生活当中也要注意积累同义词,替换使用效果更佳。
It's my prayer that on this Thanksgiving that we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country strengthened by shared purpose and very, very common resolve.我祷告在今年的感恩节,我们开始弥合分歧,以一个国家的姿态继续前进,拥有共同目的和共同的决心。【语言点解析】
heal divisions:弥合分歧。 division一词常用的意思有“部门;分配;除法”等,但在这里,这个词的意思是“(因意见或感情不一致引起的)分裂;分歧;疏远”
shared purpose:共同目标
In declaring this national holiday, President Lincoln called upon Americans to speak with one voice and one heart. That's just what we have to do.宣布这个国家节日时,林肯总统呼吁美国人齐力发声,并团结一心,我们就该如此。
speak with one voice:以一种声音说话;齐力发声。
We’ve just finished a long and bruising political campaign, emotions are raw and tensions just don't heal overnight.我们才刚刚结束了一场漫长又激烈的政治竞选,人民情绪强烈,紧张局势不会在一夜之间消除。【语言点解析】
It doesn’t go quickly, unfortunately. But we have before us the chance now to make history together, to bring real change to Washington, real safety to our cities, and real prosperity to our communities, including our inner cities.不幸的是,这一切不会马上消失。但现在在我们眼前有一起创造历史的机会,为美国带来真正的改变,为各大城市带来真正的安全,为内陆城市等各群体带来真正的繁荣。
So important to me and so important to our country.这对我和我们的国家而言,都非常重要。
But to succeed, we must enlist the effort of our entire nation.但是要成功,我们必须争取全国上下共同努力。【语言点解析】
enlist:"争取(某人参加),获得(某人的支持或帮助)" 同时这个动词也有“(使)参军,(使)入伍”的意思,比如:He enlisted in the Royal Naval Service. 他参加了皇家海军部队。
This historic political campaign is now over, but now begins a great national campaign to rebuild our country, and to restore the full promise of American for all of our people.如今这个历史性的政治竞选结束了,但现在重建我们国家的伟大运动开始了,并恢复美国对所有人民的承诺。
I am asking you to join me in this effort. It’s time to restore the bonds of trust between citizens.我希望你们加入我,共同努力。是时候恢复公民之间信任的纽带了。
Because when America is unified there is nothing beyond our reach, and I mean absolutely nothing.因为只要美国人民团结一致,没有我们做不到的事儿——我是指任何事儿。
reach表示“伸手就能够到的距离;可及的范围”,beyond reach就是“够不着,力所不能及的事;超出掌控范围的事”。川普在后面又用absolutely nothing加以强调。
Let us give thanks for all we have, and let us boldly face the exciting new frontiers that lie ahead.让我们感恩所拥有的一切,让我们大胆面对前方令人兴奋的新领域。
Thank you god bless you and god bless American.感谢你们,上帝保佑你们,天佑美国。
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