What Is The Most Important Thing To Do In Your 20s?20多岁的时候最应该做什么?
获得102好评的回答@Gary Vaynerchuk
One of my biggest beliefs is that people from 20 to 25 do not take enough risks. I actually think it’s practical to be very high risk in those 5 years because I truly believe that you can wake up on your 26th or 27th birthday and start being practical and easily still pay off your loans and any other debts. Leave the opportunity of “going for it” in those 5 years, especially if you have entrepreneurial DNA我始终认为20到25岁的年轻人没有冒足够的险。实际上我认为在这五年里处于高风险状态下是非常可行的,因为我相信你可以在26到27岁之际清醒,开始变得实际,还清你的贷款和其他债务。把放手一搏的机会留给这5年,如果你是个拥有企业家DNA的人就更该如此。
获得128好评的回答@Alvin Soon
Do things that scare you, but are good for you.做那些你害怕但是对你有好处的事。
In your 20s, you're still finding your place in the world and who you're looking at in the mirror.在你20出头时,你始终在寻找自己的定位,在探索你自己。
While being introspective helps, the fastest way to find out is to go out there and do stuff in the world. The feedback and experience you get will help you discover what you like/don't like more than anything else.虽然自我反思也有用,但最好最快的办法就是走出去,去做点什么。你所得到的反馈和经历都将最快帮助你找寻你所喜爱的和你所不爱的事物。
获得401好评的回答@Akhil Sarode
1. Plan what to do.规划要做的事。
2. Have good command over English language.掌握好英语这门语言。
3. Read, read and read.不停地读书。
4. Start reading, fiction, non fiction, science, history, politics etc.开始阅读小说、非小说、科学、历史、政治等等类别的书籍。
5. Start exercising or yoga or start jogging. Have a decent physique.开始运动,或者做瑜伽,或者慢跑。保持好身材。
6. Wake up before sunrise, practice to wake up without alarm.在日出前起床,试着不需要闹钟可以自己起床。
7. Learn to communicate with strangers. Develop the confidence to start a conversation with strangers. Get to know different people around you.学习跟陌生人交流。建立可以与陌生人交谈的自信心。了解你身边不同的人。
8. Quit smoking, alcohol or any other bad habits you have.戒掉烟、酒或者其他不良习惯。
9. Learn how to cook.学会做饭。
10. Learn to plan your day well. Spend at least 10 mins in the morning and make a list of activities to be done for that particular day.学习规划每一天。在每天早上花上10分钟来对当天的活动做一个列表规划。
11. Learn a foreign language.学习一门外语。
12. Help people who are in need of help.帮助需要帮助的人。
13. Love your parents, love your family. They are the only ones who will love you.爱你的父母,爱你的家人。他们是唯一会一直爱着你的人。
14. Learn to live alone.学会独居。
15. Never be dependent on anybody, for anything. Learn to be independent.不要依赖任何人或者任何事物。学着独立自主。
16. Don't forget to get at least 8 hrs of peaceful sleep among all these activities.不要忘了在活动之后保持八小时以上的充足睡眠
17. Start meditation, this will keep your mind calm, fresh and active throughout the day.学会冥想,有助于你保持沉着、清醒、积极一整天。
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