In old times it was customary for Monks who is traveling and seeking for lodge to stay was to engage himself in dharma combat with head monk at Zen monastery. If he won battle then he could stay else he would have to seek quarters elsewhere.古时候,游历的或想要借宿的和尚习惯于和寺院的住持辩论佛法。如果赢了,就能留下,否则就要另寻他处。
Once a traveling monk stop at a monastery. Master at monastery assigned his attendant to engage in silent debate combat with traveling monk. By chance attendant who was to combat with wayfarer had only one eye.一次有一位游历僧人到了一家寺院,住持安排一个手下僧人和这个游历僧人进行一场沉默的佛法辩论。碰巧游历僧人的对手只有一只眼睛。
They both were sent for combat. Soon the wayfarer returned to master saying, “Your man is too good. I must journey on.”这两个人都出去辩论了,很快游历僧人回来找到住持说:“你的人太厉害了,我得继续找住处了。”
Wayfarer then told master about the combat. He said , “I held up one finger to symbolize Buddha but he held up two fingers for Buddha and Dharma. So I held up three fingers for Buddha Dharma and Sang-ha but then he made a fist to indicate that they were all one. So I ran to indicate that I am no match for him.”然后游历僧人跟住持讲述了辩论经过。他说:“我举起一根手指代表佛陀,他却举起两根手指代表佛陀和达摩。所以我举起三根手指代表佛陀、达摩和僧伽,但他却握拳表示他们都是一体,所以我就跑了,意思是我比不上他。”
After saying this wayfarer left. When the traveler left, master’s attendant arrived. He was angry and out of breath. He demanded to his master, “Where is that rascal??”说完这番话,游历僧人就离开了,他走之后,住持的手下回来了,他很生气,上气不接下气地问住持:“那个混蛋跑哪儿去了?”
He continued, “Master, first he insulted me by holding up one finger to indicate I had only one eye. Still being polite I held up two fingers to indicate that he was blessed with two eyes but still that traveler kept going on and held up three fingers to indicate that together there were only three eyes among them. So I wanted to hit him hard and made a fist but he ran off. Where is he hiding??”他继续说:“住持,首先他举起一根手指羞辱我,意思是我只有一只眼睛。我仍然很有礼貌地举起两根手指,意思是他很幸运有两只眼睛。但那个游历僧人变本加厉,举起三根手指表示加在一起还是三只眼睛,所以我就想揍他攥起拳头,但他跑了,他藏哪儿了?”
Moral: Never be too quick to judge others.道理:永远不要急于对别人做出评价。
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