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发表于 2016-11-2 18:51:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        People seeking change in their lives tend to think that "change" is the result of some big decision.追求改变生活模式的人,一般都认为“改变”意味着需要作出重大的抉择。
        "I need to move cities!"“我要搬到城市!”
        "I need to change careers!"“我要换职业!”
        "I need to start a huge project!"“我要做个大项目!”
        And while all those things can be beneficial, it's the small stuff that ends up bringing about the biggest change.虽然这些都对个人有益而无害,不过其实只需小小的变动也能造成大大的改变。
        1. Learn To Cook A Healthy Morning Breakfast1.学做一顿健康的早餐
        When did cooking get the bad reputation of being "difficult?" It's no more "difficult" than anything else in life--it just takes a bit of learning. For 10 minutes every morning, search on YouTube or Google something for breakfast you want to learn how to make--and then follow the instructions and make it.不知从何时起,烹饪就被人们误解为“很困难的任务”了?其实这不比生活中的其他事情“困难”呀——只需要稍微学习就能掌握了。每天早上花个10分钟,在网上搜索你想学习制作的早餐的烹饪视频,然后跟着步骤学做。
        10 minutes a day, 7 days a week, that's a little over an hour of practice per week. Add that up over a month, 3 months, a year, and you'll not only be a much better chef, but you'll be setting a better foundation for yourself each morning: Learning something new, and eating some healthy.每天10分钟,每周7天,每周花的只是1个小时多一点的时间。累积下来3个月、1年,你的厨艺不仅大有长进,你还为自己的每一天打下更好的基础:每天学点新东西,还能吃点健康的。
        2. Handstands, Push Ups, Crunches2. 倒立,伏地挺身,仰卧起坐
        Your body is the single best indication of how you feel. The more in tune you can be with your body, the better sense you will have of what your body needs (sleep? food? rest?). Since the majority of us spend so much time in front of our computers, hunched over, demolishing our posture, try adding in 10 minutes of body weight exercises (preferably every few hours). Again, the Internet is your resource. If you have no idea how to do a crunch, push up or handstand, look it up. 10 minutes a day will improve your ability to get in touch with your body, make you stronger, and help you remember to maintain good posture.你的身体最能反映你的感受。当你与身体的联结越密切,你就越能感受自己的需求(睡眠?食物?休息?)。由于我们大多数人长期坐在电脑前,弯腰驼背,破坏了肢体美感,所以你还是腾出个10分钟来做一些力量锻炼吧(最好花上若干小时)。再次强调,网络是运动资源的好源头。如果你不知道怎么做仰卧起坐,伏地挺身或倒立,那就搜索一下。每天10分钟,增强与身体的联结,让你更加强壮,保持更好的体态。
        3. Breathing Exercises3. 呼吸锻炼
        If angry outbursts during frustrating meetings is in your daily repertoire, this one is especially for you. Breathing exercises are quite possibly one of the easiest things to learn--you just breathe--but their effects are tremendous. Focus solely on your breathing for 10 minutes. No worrying about the next project. No stressing about what is due and when. Just breathe for 10 minutes and you'll be amazed at how much more cool, calm, and collected you'll feel. Nobody makes good decisions when they're stressed out.如果你常常被乏味的会议弄得怒气冲冲,那么这个方法就是专门为你而设的了。呼吸锻炼也许是最容易上手的技巧之一了——你只需要呼吸,别小看它,可有用了。你只要关注自己的呼吸10分钟。不要担心接下来的工作,也不要担心完成的内容和时间。只需要呼吸10分钟,你会惊讶自己竟然变得非常放松,非常冷静,注意力集中。没有人能在压力沉重的时候做出好的决定。
        4. Creative Brainstorm4. 创造性头脑风暴
        Creativity is a muscle that needs to be exercised, just like anything else. If you want to keep your creative muscles fresh and learn how to be more creative on the spot, then you need to practice that. Every day, for 10 minutes, write down 10 new ideas that interest you. 10 ideas that would be fun to execute, or you think would be cool. They can be anything you want. But write them down. Do this for a few days and your creative juices will be overflowing.创造力是一块需要常常锻炼的肌肉,就像其他肌肉一样。如果你想保持创造力源源不绝,或者在应急的时候变得更有创造力,那么你就需要常常锻炼。每天花10分钟,写下让你感兴趣的10件新点子。它们可以是在执行时让你感到有趣的,或者你觉得有能耐的。什么事情都可以,但记得写下来。尝试几天,你就会发现创造力之泉正源源不断地涌向你的脑海了。
        5. Don't Eat Sugar5. 远离糖类
        One of the most common snacks (especially in America) is sugar: whether that's fruit, or "nutrition bars" masked as sweet tooth snacks. Something you can learn right now that will significantly help your health is that sugar is one of the worst snacks you could possibly have--especially over long periods of not eating.人们最常吃的零食之一便是糖果了:无论是来自水果的糖分,还是美其名为“能量条”的甜食。现在你要正视一个关乎改善健康的问题:糖果是你最不应该选择的零食之一,特别在你长时间没有进食的情况下。
        When you eat sugar, you spike your insulin. When you spike your insulin, you are signaling to the body that you've just been fed. The body, then, isn't sure when it is going to be fed next, so it halts the body's burning of stored fat because it wants to make sure it "makes it" to the next meal. Aka: Your body decides, "Now I should store fat." No bueno.当你摄取了糖分,胰岛素就会飙升。当胰岛素飙升,你就给身体发出“已经吃饱了”的信号。但是你的身体无法确定下一次“被喂饱”的确切时间,因此就会暂缓燃烧储备脂肪的进度,因为身体想要确认这些脂肪能够支撑到下一次进食。也就是说:你的身体会决定“现在我应该储存脂肪。”这样就不好了。
        6. Journal Your Thoughts6. 记录心情和想法
        Journaling can be so therapeutic, and if you are going through stressful times or just want to "think through" something a bit deeper, pull out your journal. For 10 minutes, just write whatever comes to mind. Don't think about making it perfect, or anyone reading it.写日记有治愈的作用,并且如果你正经受着压力的侵袭,或者只是想要更深入地思考某些问题,那就记下来上吧。只需10分钟,想到什么写什么。不用追求完美,也不要担心有人看到。
        A journal is a journal for a reason--it's your place to be messy and get out all your thoughts. Once you see them in front of you, you'll have a much clearer sense of how to best move forward with whatever it is you're contemplating.日记有日记存在的理由——一个放任自我、思绪徜徉的地方。当你亲眼看到它们,你就会对下一步行动的最佳方法有更清晰的轮廓。
        7. Read or Listen To Music7. 阅读或听音乐
        10 minutes of input is often better than 10 minutes of output--especially when you are feeling drained. A big pitfall people succumb to is thinking that when they are tired or worn out, they need to "do something." That's the opposite of what you need to do. What you need is to "do" nothing. You need to soak up something new. 10 quiet minutes of reading or listening to music and you'll find yourself starting to refill with ideas.10分钟的精神输入比10分钟的精神输出更有好处,特别当你感到筋疲力尽的时候。人们最容易掉进的这样一个陷阱:在最疲惫不堪的时候,总是认为自己该“做点什么”。这正是你最不应该做的事。你需要做的就是“不做”。你需要吸收新的事物,安静度过10分钟的阅读或聆听音乐的时光,你会发现自己又有了新的想法。

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