Sherlock fans were sent into a frenzy last night after the BBC piggybacked on the hype of the Bake Off final to unexpectedly announce that the detective thriller would be returning for a fourth series.昨天晚上BBC借《英国美食烘焙大赛》最后一期为《神探夏洛克》大做广告,没想到BBC突然就宣布这部侦探影片第四部即将上映了,在那之后神夏的粉丝们就乐疯了。
Viewers had barely recovered from the Great British Bake Off final when the BBC stunned fans by announcing a date for the new season of Sherlock.观众们还没从《英国美食烘焙大赛》最后一期中回过神来,就在这时BBC宣布了新一季《神探夏洛克》的回归日期,惊呆了一众粉丝。
The teasing promo, which lasted around 90 seconds, showed a black screen with the numbers 01.01.17 – suggesting series four of Sherlock will return on January 1.这则时长约90秒的预告片放出一面黑屏,上面写着01.01.17这串数字,暗指《神探夏洛克》第四季将于1月1日上映。
The teaser, featuring Benedict Cumberbatch as the contemporary adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, gave glimpses of upcoming scenes with the mysterious lines: 'Everything they know will be tested...Everyone they know is under threat.'本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇在电影中饰演柯南·道尔先生笔下的夏洛克·福尔摩斯的当代版。在预告片中,我们可以看到即将播出的场景及神秘的台词:“他们知道的一切都将受到考验……他们认识的所有人都将面临威胁。”
依然是三集片的形式,第一集的片名已经公布了: 《The Six Thatchers》(六座撒切尔夫人像),对应的应该是柯南·道尔原著中的《The Six Napoleons》(六座拿破仑半身像)。
He said on Tuesday: 'I think there will be a lull. I don't think it will be in a year and a half necessarily but we will wait and see and maybe it will be.’本尼在周二表示:“我认为《神探夏洛克》会暂时停更,不见得会在一年半之后推出新系列,但我们会拭目以待,也许就更新了呢。”
'First and foremost we have got a fourth series for people to watch and understand and when they watch it they might go 'Oh yeah, maybe there does need to be a break now' because of what happens in it. No spoilers!'“首要的是,我们已经准备好第四部神夏供大家观看及了解。在他们观看这部影片的时候,因为剧情的发展,他们可能会觉得‘哦,也许现在是需要休整一下了’。我没有剧透啊!”
Cumberbatch was adamant that his new role as superhero Doctor Strange in Marvel's new film of the same name will not impact on his future in Sherlock.在漫威的新电影《奇异博士》中,本尼将出演超级英雄奇异博士,但他坚决表示,新角色不会影响他继续出演神夏。
The comic book giant was so keen to cast Cumberbatch in the blockbuster movie they shifted the filming schedule and release date, he said.卷福说,这家漫画巨头非常期待他出演这部大片,因此他们稍微改变了一下拍摄计划和发行日期。
When asked if there will be another series of Sherlock, the actor has helped put fans' minds at ease by insisting that there could still be a fifth series of the iconic TV show.当本尼被问及是否会有下一部《神探夏洛克》的时候,他坚持说这档标志性的电视节目依然会有第五部,这也让粉丝们松了一口气。
怎么样,你是不是也很期待呢? |