Jason Momoa is assuming a leading role on the small screen. Netflix has pegged him to star in the streaming giant’s new drama Frontier, which is produced by Discovery Canada. The series, which follows the battle to “control wealth and power in the North American fur trade in the late 18th century,” debuts on Discovery Canada in November with a six-episode first season. Jason Momoa担任了一部电视剧的主角。Netflix视他为即将播出的剧《边境》里面最棒的演员,该剧是由加拿大的探索发现频道制作的。本剧描述18世纪末北美地区为争夺皮毛贸易控制权而爆发的暴力冲突。将于11月在加拿大探索发现频道播出第一季(共6集)。
Netflix is so confident in Frontier, and Momoa’s starring performance as ruthless, charismatic fur trader Declan Harp. THR is reporting that Netflix has renewed Frontier for a second season, 12 days before the Nov. 6 series premiere. Netflix 对该剧十分自信,Momoa的角色是一个残酷但极具魅力的皮毛贸易者Declan Harp。THR报道称Netflix已经续订了该剧的第二季,在该剧首播前12天。
Frontier premieres on Discovery Canada on Nov. 6 and is expected to debut on Netflix in 2017.《边境》将于11月6日在加拿大探索发现频道首播,在2017年在Netflix上播出。 |