Manny: You gotta make it stop. I can’t take it anymore.
Diego: I’ve eaten things that complained less.
Sid: He won’t stop squirming.
Diego: Watch his head. Put it down.
Sid: Jeez “pick him up, put it down”.
Diego: Its nose is dry.
Sid: That means something’s wrong with it.
Diego: Someone should lick it. Just in case.
Sid: I’ll do it.
Manny: He’s wearing one of those baby thingies.
Sid: So, So if he poops, where does it go? Humans are disgusting.
Manny : Ok. You check for poop.
Sid: Why am I the poop-checker?
Manny: Returning him was your idea. Be you’re small and insignificant, and I’ll pummel you if you don’t. Now, sid.
Sid:I mean, my goodness. Look out. Coming through.
Manny:Watch out. Stop waving that thing around.
Sid: I’m gonna slip. It’s dean, Goy ya!
Manny:Will you cut it out?
Diego: Do that again, he likes it.
Manny:It made me feel better too.
Sid: Here,you hold it.
Diego:Turn him towards me. Where is the baby? There he is!
Manny:Stop it. You’re scaring him.