For those of you paying attention to movie director Kevin Smith on Instagram, you know he's journeyed back to Vancouver as he prepares to helm his second episode of "The Flash." After directing Season 2's "The Runaway Dinosaur" -- widely regarded as the best of the year -- he's back to tackle the seventh episode of Season 3.如果你在Ins上对凯文史密斯关注很多的话,你就会知道他回到了温哥华因为他准备执导第二部作品《闪电侠》。在导演过被广泛认为是第二季最好的一集“失控的恐龙”后,他回到拍摄第三季第七集的工作中。
Luckily, if Smith's social media posts are any indication, he's just as excited now as his first time on set that it's bound to rub off on the cast. 幸运的是,如果史密斯的社交媒介发布的的文章表明了一些迹象的话,那么表示他现在同样激动,因为他拍电视剧的“第一次”就是被这个剧给“夺”走了。
"We've got lots more action sequences and fights to shoot in this [episode] so I'll likely be hiding like I am in this pic the whole time I'm here, terrified of improving as a visual storyteller," he writes on Instagram. "Or maybe, just maybe, I'll try to shoot the shit out of it instead - especially because the episode contains a lot of 'First' moments and super heroic sparring spectacle."“我们融入了很多动作场景,枪战等打斗场面在这一集里。因此我可能作为提高恐惧指数的故事讲述者每时每刻都在剧中。”他在Ins上如是说。“或者,也有可能,我尝试着用外部拍摄技术来代替,尤其是这一集包含了太多“第一瞬间”和超级英雄的打斗场面。”
"The Flash" returns Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.《闪电侠》将在10 月4 日星期二晚上8点在CW 上回归。 |