Considering how much time most adults will spend in the workplace over the
course of their lives (an estimated 25-30 years), it doesn't take much of a
stretch to surmise a person’s choice of career plays a significant role in their
sense of happiness.
I believe a fulfilling career is something you have the power to create,
moment by moment, year by year, and decade by decade. Just as success rarely
happens overnight, deriving a healthy amount ofsatisfaction from the work that
you do requires the right mindset.
I recently read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. She shares her wisdom
regarding the choice each of us has between saying yes or no when inspiration
strikes. She writes about clearing out obstacles which are preventing you from
living your most creative life, understanding that "whatever is bad for you is
probably also bad for your work."
There are so many wonderful truths that she offers, but one of my favorites
is found on page 63, where she says: "Work with all of your heart because - I
promise - if you show up to work day after day after day after day, you just
might get lucky enough some random morning to burst right into bloom."
Here are five of my tips to contemplate as you reach for your goals.
1. Operate in an area that brings you joy.
2. Identify your natural strengths.
3. Acknowledge your areas of weakness but don't let it stop you.
4. Establish what is most important to you.
5. Go for it, stick with it, or as my dad always used to remind me to do
when I was younger: finish what you start.
To close with another quote from Elizabeth Gilbert: "Create whatever causes
a revolution in your heart."
Loving your work and living a full life requires intention, action, and a
good dose of Big Magic!
热爱工作、生活充实都要有目标、有行动、还需要有一点大魔法! |