Think carefully how you take your caffeine in the morning – a choice between tea and coffee can determine your salary and popularity at work.你可得慎重选择从哪儿摄入早上的咖啡因——一杯茶还是一杯咖啡,因为你的选择可以决定你的薪水以及在公司的受欢迎度。
Employees who drink coffee are more likely to be hot-headed, argumentative and live on a knife-edge, researchers found.But they have bagged more pay rises over the last five years and earn on average £34,490 a year – £2,160 more than tea drinkers.研究者发现,那些喜欢喝咖啡的员工,往往会更表现得更加急躁,好辩,生活节奏更紧张。但他们也在过去的5年中,比喜欢喝茶的人得到了更多的薪水涨幅,平均拿到了34490英镑的年薪——比喜欢喝茶的人多了2160英镑。
The poll by Zip HydroTap instant water heaters found that executives are more likely to prefer coffee, but tea drinkers were ‘the life and soul’ of the office.这次由即开型热水器厂商Zip HydroTap组织的调查显示,更多的高管倾向于喝咖啡。但是喜欢喝茶的人往往成为公司的“活力源泉以及灵魂人物”。
And 84 percent of tea drinkers claim to be a team player compared to just 74 per cent of coffee fans.Fewer coffee drinkers said they were ‘very stressed’ - ten per cent compared with 12 per cent of tea drinkers – but coffee drinkers were more likely to be late for work, despite their caffeine fix.有84%的喜欢喝茶的人善于团队合作,相比之下,只有74%的喜欢喝咖啡的人具有很好的团队精神。同时,喜欢喝咖啡的人中只有10%的人认为自己压力很大,而喜欢喝茶的人却有12%的比例表示感到压力大。尽管咖啡因可以提神,研究显示喜欢喝咖啡的人却更容易迟到。
Zip spokesman Nick Taylor said: 'Most workers need a cup of tea or coffee to get them through the day and most people could instantly define themselves as either a tea or coffee drinker.Zip的发言人说:“大部分的员工都需要一杯咖啡或者一杯茶来帮助他们完成一天的工作,因此很多人能够很快地将自己定义为喜欢喝咖啡的人或者喜欢喝茶的人。”
The typical tea or coffee drinker has between three and four hot drinks everyday but tea lovers were more likely to combine a brew with a good gossip.Yet the average worker makes just one hot beverage for their team in a day and 72 per cent said they need a drink to ‘perk’ them up and stay motivated.喜欢喝饮品的人一天平均会喝3到4杯热饮,而那些发烧友则会在和同事闲聊的时候都不放过机会来一壶。但其实,普通人一般一天只需要一杯热饮,72%的人说他们需要饮料来使自己保持清醒和充满活力。
Tea drinkers dressed in a more casual and cool fashion around the office whereas coffee fans described their style as funky and edgy, the research showed.Those who favour a cuppa were more likely to drive in to work, whereas coffee fans were more likely to hop on the bus or train.喜欢喝茶的人一般会穿得更加的随意,相较之下,喜欢喝咖啡的人会打扮得更加时髦。喝茶的人一般会选择开车上班,而喝咖啡的人则通常会选择公车和地铁作为出行的交通工具。
Nick Taylor, Sales Director for Zip Heaters UK, said: 'The research shows there is definitely office politics when it comes to doing the tea round. We have all been in the situation where we have a heavy work load and are getting hassled by team members to make a big round of tea.But it’s pretty harmless if it’s just playful office banter.'Zip Heaters英国总部的销售总监Nick Taylor谈道:“这个研究表明,在茶歇中是绝对有办公室政治的。我们都有这样的经历,在繁忙的工作中,一个团队的同事因为喝什么而吵得不可开交。但只要这种争吵保持在办公室玩笑的范围以内,是没有什么大的坏处的。” |