Getting Great References
It is inevitable that at some point in your job search you will be asked for references, and when you are, you want to be sure you have a great group of advocates who are prepared with answers that will help rather than hinder your chances at landing the position. References are something you should think about at the beginning of your interview process and not just at the end when you are under immediate pressure to provide them.
Start by making a list of all the possible people you can use as a reference. Be sure to think about:
1) Former employers and managers 前任雇主和经理
2) Former clients 前客户
3) College professors 大学教授
4) Family friends who have seen you in a professional setting 已经了解过你工作的亲友
5) Association leaders 协会领导
It is fine if a reference no longer works for the company where you were employed together, or if they live in another city. It is more important that the individuals you choose know you well enough, have experience working with you, and are willing to vouch for you. In short, you are looking for anyone who can communicate your experience, skills, integrity, professionalism, and can-do attitude to any potential employer.
Once you have a list of approximately five potential references you need to:
1. Ask them for permission. Be sure to keep thorough notes of when you contacted them and what their response was.
2. Ask for their preferred means of contact, whether it is by personal or office phone, or if they would rather be contacted via e-mail.
3. Discuss the following likely questions with your potential references, so that you know what they are going to say and there are no surprises. You can tell them what points you are aiming to reinforce with the employers who might contact them and more than likely they will happy for the input.
1) What was your relationship with the candidate? 你和候选人是什么关系?
2) What responsibilities did she perform in her position with the company? 她以前曾经在公司担任过哪些职责。
3) Why did she leave that position? 她为什么会离职?
4) What are her strengths? Weaknesses? 她的优点是? 缺点是?
5) What was her approximate salary? 她的薪资大概是多少?
6) Would you hire or work with this person again?你是否会再次聘用此人(或与她共事)?
It is also a good practice to keep a folder of references and commendations for a job well done that you augment throughout your career. Get into the habit of asking for a letter of reference from someone who you have worked with who might be moving on and ask that person if they would be willing to serve as a verbal reference as well. This is certainly something to keep in mind if you are or have worked as an intern where the big payoff is more likely to be in experience gained and contacts made than in money earned.
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