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发表于 2016-8-10 08:23:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        As a PR pro or company owner managing your own public relations campaign, writing press releases should become very natural to you. If you've got news about your product, service or company, then you're ready to experience the power of press releases.如果你从事人力资源方面的工作或是需要自己推广公共关系的公司老板,你会经常要写新闻稿。当收到关于产品、服务或公司的新闻,你就该准备好体验新闻稿的强大感染力了。
        So just what is a press release? It's simple. A press release is a one to two page document used to call attention to your company and its products/services. Press releases are also known as news releases. Back to basics, it means just that: news.所以,什么是新闻稿呢?很简单,新闻稿是为宣传公司以及其产品和服务的文献,一般为1到2页。从字面上看,新闻稿的重点在于“新闻”二字,新闻稿也就是新闻。
        There are several types of press releases you can write. Starting a business. Having new employees joining your team. Your company wins awards. You're working with a charity. Or anything new or different about your business and its product line constitutes a newsworthy press release.新闻稿的内容多样,包括创业、新员工加入、公司获奖、和慈善机构合作等等。公司经营和产品线上的任何变化都值得发新闻稿。
        There's a trick to writing press releases, though. Your message has to be newsworthy without sounding like a blatant advertisement. The release is written in an unbiased format so the reader trusts the information to be accurate.写新闻稿的时候要注意一点。你所传达的信息必须有新闻价值而且不能听起来像是明目张胆的广告。新闻稿必须中立,这样读者才能相信信息是真的。
        Use a headline that sums up your entire story. That way, they'll get the meat of the message and - if the headline's good enough - they'll read on.标题要总结全文。这样,读者才能了解信息的实质——如果标题够好,他们才会继续往下读。
        The body part is not as difficult as most people think – and intact you can do it in 6 easy steps:正文部分不像大多数人想象的那么难,你只需要6步就能轻松完成:
        Communicate the 5 W's and the H. Who, what, when, where, why, and how.交待出下面这6点:人物、事件、时间、地点、原因以及方式。
        1. What is the actual news?1. 新闻是什么?
        2. Why this is news?2. 为什么这是个新闻?
        3. The people, products, items, dates and other things related with the news.3. 涉及的人物、产品、物品、时间等等。
        4. The purpose behind the news.4. 新闻的目的。
        5. Your company, city, state.5. 你的公司名称,所在城市和国家。
        6. Any quotes/testimonials6. 任何引言/证明书
        Don't forget your basic information as well. It may sound elementary but be sure to include the name of a contact person, phone number, fax, Email address, Web address and company address.别忘了一些基本信息。也许这些听起来无关紧要,但是确保提供联系人、电话、传真、电子邮箱、官方网站和公司地址。
        Also write a short paragraph that describes your business. Use this paragraph at the end of every press release.再用一小段的篇幅描述你的公司业务,放在每一篇新闻稿的最后一段。
        Keep your sentences short and to the point. Don't use jargon. Just keep it simple.语言要简练到位。不要用术语,简单就好。
        Don't be tempted to write a long press release. Stay as close to one page as possible. More than two pages is way too long.不要长篇大论,通常一页纸就够了。超过两页就太长了。
        Write your press release as if you were a third-party observer. Read the newspaper for some examples. Or study press releases from other companies.新闻稿要以第三方的口吻来写。在报纸上找一些例子来读。或者借鉴其他公司的新闻稿。

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