After a year of scorched-earth litigation, a jury decided Friday that Samsung ripped off the innovative technology used by Apple to create its revolutionary iPhone and iPad.苹果和三星长达一年的专利世纪大战,本周五有了结果。陪审团裁定苹果公司在iPhone和iPad中采用的革命性的原创技术遭到了三星公司的侵权。
The jury ordered Samsung to pay Apple $1.05 billion in the latest skirmish of a global legal battle between the two tech giants. An appeal is expected.在两大科技巨头的战争中,陪审团最终裁定三星赔偿苹果10.5亿美元。一场上诉则在意料之中。
Apple Inc. filed its patent infringement lawsuit in April 2011 and engaged legions of the country's highest-paid patent lawyers to demand $2.5 billion from its top smartphone competitor. Samsung Electronics Co. fired back with its own lawsuit seeking $399 million.苹果公司于2011年四月对其在智能手机市场上最大的竞争对手三星公司就专利侵权提出了诉讼。苹果公司聘用了庞大的律师团队,都是国内收费最贵的专打专利权官司的好手,向三星提出25亿美元的赔偿。三星公司也不甘示弱,向苹果提出诉讼,要求赔偿3.9亿美元。
The verdict, however, belonged exclusively to Apple, as the jury rejected all Samsung's claims against Apple. Jurors also decided against some of Apple's claims, declining to award the full $2.5 billion Apple demanded.今天陪审团的裁决对于苹果来说是大获全胜,陪审团否决了三星对苹果的所有指控。同时,苹果对三星提出的部分指控也被陪审团否决了。陪审团还把最终的赔偿数额由苹果提出的25亿美元降到了10.5亿美元。
The outcome of the case is likely to have ripple effects in the smartphone market. After seeing Samsung's legal defeat, other device makers relying on Android may become more reluctant to use the software and risk getting dragged into court.该案的这一结果将会在智能手机市场上引发连锁反应。在看到了三星的惨败之后,其他依赖于安卓系统的智能手机生产商将会被束手束脚,因为谁也不想冒险去和苹果打官司。
Samsung, headquartered in Seoul, responded to the verdict, saying in a statement it was "unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners."在首尔的三星公司总部也对该裁决做出了回应,称“专利法使得圆角矩形的手机外形设计被苹果公司垄断,这是很不幸的。”
Today's verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer. It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices," Samsung said.三星公司还表示,“今天的裁决不应该被视作是苹果的胜利,而应该被认为是美国消费者的损失。它会让选择减少、创新减少、而且产品价格也有可能被提高。”
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