2011年上半年的BEC考试结束后,网友们就题目展开了热烈的讨论和回忆,根据大家提供的内容,沪江小编把本次考试的信息整理如下,给大家参考: 阅读部分:
沪友澈底:part1是讲几家航空公司的发展的问题。part2是一个貌似什么在公司提倡“SCR”系统的,说要注重公司value啊什么的,后面的实在记不清了,只知道这次阅读很悲催。 写作部分:
沪友卜卜豬:作文都写了report。第一篇是 describe & campare the number of customers making reservation in response to three different advertising methods. 大作文选了第一篇,参加一个3天的IT training course 但是作者发现这个course有问题,写detail content of the course , the dissatisfactory unsatisfatory of the course , the way you investigate in it and solution to avoid such problem in the future.
沪友橙子cici:小作文是就是描述,比较图表,内容是mailshots,online advertisements,local newspaper 对一个酒店的预约人数的影响。大作文我写的是proposal,讲的是outsourcing. 问题大概是这样的:Identify the activities that could be outsourced; explain the potential benefit it can bring to the company; How the outsoucing can be organised; How to make sure the quality of the activities outsourced. 听力部分:
part3讲的是一个女的离职了,然后两个人在讨论她和她的替代者 口语部分:
沪友澈底:Part 1 what qualification do you think is the most important when work in China?
Part 2 我选的是A也只记得A了how to leave a good impression when interview.
我的partner的是讲working abroad的问题
Part 3 大概讲的是公司new location,然后要讨论决定move to new location前要考虑什么因素,还有对员工有什么影响
沪友橙子cici:PartI: Talk about your study...
PartII: How to ensure that a new product can meet the customers need?
Part II: Your company needs to send employees to a foreign country for negotiation. What information should be collected before you go for negotiation? What information you need to know about that country?
沪友janiki:PART I:问工作和学英语,问pPrtner服务业为什么重要。然后老师又问我为什么要从国外进口产品(也可能是为什么要从中国进口产品),没搞准,反正乱答一通。
PART II:很悲催,之前上大家论坛看了N多的居然一题没中,选了个:how to make sure the potential customer is indentified accurately? 同伴的是:the importance to diversify strategies to manage staff.
PART III:很幸运的抽中了factory relocation.后续问题我跟同伴都被问是否愿意跟着工厂迁址继续工作。