Time is a commodity that people will pay a pretty penny to have more of, but the only way to be able to have more time in your day to do the things you like is to be more efficient. Starting a time log to better keep track of your day:时间是一种人们愿意花钱买更多的商品,但是挤更多时间做喜欢的事的唯一办法是变得更有效率。可以写时间日志来更好的追踪一天行程:
Like tracking meals, tracking time keeps us from spending it mindlessly or lying to ourselves about what we do with it. Write down what you're doing as often as you remember for at least a week. Checking Facebook five times a day at six minutes a pop adds up to two and a half hours in a workweek.像记录每餐食物一样,记录时间能防止我们随意浪费或者欺骗自己这段时间干了什么。只要你想得起来,尽量经常写下你做过的事,至少持续一周。每天浏览Facebook五次,一次六分钟,那在工作时间总共花了两个半小时。
The first step to being more time efficient is to assess how you're currently spending your time. If you've been spending time on unnecessary work, maybe it's time to start delegating the task to someone else or finding some other alternative solution. And if you figure out your most productive time of the day, you should probably schedule the more challenging tasks for that time period.做事更有效率的第一步是估量你现在是如何支配时间的。如果你一直在不必要的工作上花时间,那是时候把任务委派给别人或者寻求别的解决方法了。如果你找到了一天中最有效率的时间点,应该把最富挑战性的工作安排在那段时间。
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