2010年下半年的BEC高级考试于11月20日结束,同学们辛苦啦!不管考试结果如何,考后都要好好休息下,再奋斗!下面是小编根据大家的各种评论,各种吐槽对本次考试进行的小结,希望能慰劳已考试完毕的同学,也能给即将参加初中级考试的同学些许参考。 阅读部分:
大部分同学表示阅读部分难度不大,体力好的跟视力可以的都能挺过去。 PART SIX:
despite ....for all but one of the last years
yet ....a position which this continues to suprise 写作部分: PART ONE
Question 1:
一家公司在东西南北四个地区target和actual sales的柱状图 PART TWO
Question 2:
Report: 一家公司六个月前建立了一个网站,要求描述网站包括什么,网站给公司带来什么好处,网站运行中出现什么问题,以及给网站未来发展提出建议。
Question 3:
Letter: 代表公司给参加过的trade fair组织者写抱怨信
大部分同学表示听力很难,很晕,杀伤力很大。特别是第二部分失分严重,心理承受压力大。 口语部分:
1)tell sth about your work?tell sth about the place of your commpany?
2)what do you think the transportation to business?
1)Technical information:what's the factor include when you decide whether to buy or rent the IT equpments (it's mine)
2)Customer relation:the importance of competing on customer service rather than price. (my partern's)
1)Your company has take over another company,and rename the brand of the other company's products,
1.what's the advantage of rename the brand
2.How to tell the information to the consumer
2)A restaurant wants to monitor the performance of its branches.