5 Things to Do If You Get a Bad Review
The annual review is the professional equivalent of the report card. And if you remember back to your school days, you'll probably recall anticipating its arrival with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Had you performed as well as you thought you did? Would tardiness or being too talkative affect your grades?
Workplace evaluations can evoke similar feelings. What if your worst fears become a reality in the way of a poor performance review? Read on for what one career coach believes you should do.
1. Remain calm.
Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach, says, "First and foremost, breathe and relax." You may feel blindsided, but stay calm and take in what your supervisor is telling you without getting defensive. Focus on what you're being told -- you can even take notes. But save your rebuttals for later.
Hallie Crawford是一位经过认证的职业教练,她说:“首先,也是最重要的,深呼吸,放松。你可能会觉得眼前一片黑暗,但是也要保持镇定,并且不带攻击态度地接受你的主管告诉你的一切。专注在你所听到的事情上,你甚至还可以做笔记。将你的辩驳留到最后。
However, if your supervisor is getting angry or being unprofessional, you can try to steer the review to facts and practical information. Crawford, the founder of HallieCrawford.com, advises workers, "Tell your boss, 'I appreciate your candor, but I'd like to get constructive feedback that will help me improve.'" She adds, "You want her to know that you understand there's a problem, but assure her that your focus is solution-oriented."
2. Act, don't react.
If you're feeling defenseless and caught off guard -- or (and especially) if you're feeling angry -- try to buy some time to react to your review and answer criticisms. Crawford believes professionals should request the opportunity to mull things over. "Explain to your manager that you'd like to take a day or two to develop a plan of action to address these issues," says Crawford. "The fact that you're willing to come up with solutions will get your boss on your side, as will soliciting ideas from her as to what you should do in the immediate."
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