A young student who died after working 'crazy hours' as an intern at a top investment bank said he felt 'pressurised' to succeed before his death.
German student Moritz Erhardt collapsed in the shower at his student halls in east London just days before completing a grueling internship at Bank of America Merrill Lynch International investment bank division.
Mr Erhardt was nearing the end of a seven-week internship with Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s investment division. It has been claimed he had worked through the night eight times in two weeks at the firm’s London office to impress his bosses.
In an online portfolio Mr Erhadt told prospective employers that his upbringing taught him to always be driven to be good at everything.
He wrote: 'I have grown up in family that expected me, in whatever respect, to excel in life. By implication, I felt somehow pressurizes [sic]. However I did not intend to blie my parents' expectations. Therefore I have become highly competitive and ambitious nature from early on.'
Mr Erhardt was discovered by friends at Claredale House in Bethnal Green on Thursday, paramedics tried to resuscitate him but he was pronounced dead at the scene, it is believed that he suffered from epilepsy and could have had a seizure.
Friends of the 21-year-old, who had recently completed a study abroad programme at the University of Michigan, claimed he had been forced to work through the night eight times in a two week period in an effort to secure long term work with the firm.
Speaking outside the student halls which are let to hundreds of interns each summer, one friend said he believed the long hours played a part in Mr Erhadt's tragic death.
He said: 'He was working in investment banking and apparently he pulled eight all-nighters in two weeks. They get you working crazy hours and maybe it was just too much for him in the end.'
【新闻快讯】美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)伦敦办公室21岁实习生在连续加班熬夜后猝死,曾一天最多工作15个小时。莫里茨•埃哈特(Moritz Erhardt)参加了美银投资银行部门为期七周的实习项目,在实习期快结束时,他在公寓内淋浴时瘫倒在地。实习期间,Erhardt工作时间超长,最多一天工作15个小时。
同学们称Erhard或因为疲劳而崩溃。一位实习生称,在实习期间,Erhardt显然两周内通宵熬夜工作八次。Erhardt曾是密歇根大学罗斯商学院(Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business)交换生,目前在德国科布伦次奥托贝森管理研究院(WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management)学习,他原定于明年毕业。
埃哈特要工作7周,死亡时已经工作到了第6周。他每个月的报酬是2700英镑左右,此前曾在毕马威(KPMG)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)做过三次实习。
美银美林表示:“他在同辈中很受欢迎,在我们公司是一位非常勤奋的实习生,前途光明。我们的第一反应是联系他的家人,送去慰问。” |