The plight of the unpaid intern is improving. Not because businesses are paying more for summer helpers, but because colleges are stepping in to pay when companies can't, or won't, compensate student hires.无薪实习的情况正在得以改善。但这并不是因为雇主增加了暑期实习生的薪酬预算,而是当企业无法或不愿支付薪水时,学校补贴了实习生。
Schools have long granted stipends for stints in nonprofits and the arts, where unpaid labor is common, but now they are paying the way for students to work at profit-making enterprises, including a New York money-management firm, a Washington, D.C., lobbying firm and even a General Motors plant.学校很早就对非营利性行业实习和艺术类实习进行补贴;在这些行业,免费劳动力屡见不鲜。然而现在,学校补贴学生的范围开始覆盖那些盈利性企业,包括纽约一家财富管理公司,华盛顿特区的政治游说公司,甚至通用汽车公司的工厂。
Colleges' job-placement rates have come under intense scrutiny as cost-conscious families, stung by rapidly rising tuition, want proof that universities can deliver on both academic and career fronts. 一些经济能力有限的家庭密切关注着大学就业率。由于学费上涨,这些家庭需要一些证据来表明:他们花了重金去读大学不仅可以提供知识还能保证就业。
While career-services officers say they aren't thrilled to foot the bill, they need students to gain the skills and experience that will eventually get them hired.虽然就业指导中心的工作人员说,他们并不愿意为企业买单;但是他们也希望学生能够获得技巧和经验,并因此而最终获得就业。
University of Richmond has supported unpaid research and nonprofit work for years, but created more than 100 new fellowships this year for students with unpaid internships at for-profit enterprises. In all, the school awarded 300 fellowships, averaging $3,700 apiece. Employers ranged from a New York City hospital to Christie's auction house.里士满大学多年来一直补贴无薪研究和非营利性实习,而今年该校特地为在盈利性企业工作的无薪实习生增设了100个实习奖金名额。学校总共颁发了300笔实习奖金,平均每笔3700美元(约合人民币22,866元)。实习生雇主包括纽约市医院和佳士得拍卖行。
Funding for the awards came from alumni and other donations, as the development office spread word that students needed additional support for the internships.实习奖金来源于校友和其它捐赠,因为发展办公室对外宣称:学生实习需要额外的支持。
As long as companies aren't forced to pay the trainees, critics say, they probably won't.一些批评人士说,只要企业不是被强制要求支付实习生薪水,它们多半不会支付。
It is "laudable" that schools want to help all students, not just affluent ones, get ahead in the job market, says Ross Perlin, author of Intern Nation. But funding unpaid jobs at for-profit employers, he says, "may actually be supporting an illegal internship, at an employer who can very much afford to pay."《实习国度》一书的作者罗斯-佩林认为,学校想要帮助所有学生(不仅仅是富裕学生)进入就业市场的想法值得提倡。但是对盈利性企业的无薪工作提供补助,佩林认为“这实际上是在支持非法实习,因为这些雇主明明就能够自己支付。”
The financial downturn increased the "sleaze factor" among employers, Philip Gardner, director of Michigan State University's Collegiate Employment Research Institute, wrote in a recent report on unpaid internships. Employers "offer work they need done, under the guise of internships, but without pay."金融危机增加了雇主们的“拮据理由”。密歇根州立大学的大学生就业研究所主任菲利普-加德纳在最近一篇关于无薪实习的文章中提到,“雇主们不支付酬劳,并在实习的掩饰下把这些需要完成的工作交给实习生”。
A recent survey from Michigan State University's Collegiate Employment Research Institute found that nearly 100% of schools welcome requests for unpaid labor from government and nonprofit agencies, and upward of 84% allow for-profit companies to do so.来自密歇根州立大学的大学生就业研究所一项最新的民调显示,近乎100%的学校欢迎来自政府以及非营利性机构的无薪实习机会,84%以上的学校欢迎盈利性公司提供无薪实习机会。
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