By now, most of us have seen Senator Marco Rubio's awkward snatch of Poland Spring during his State of the Union response.美国议员马克·卢比奥在回应总统的国情咨文演讲时,狂饮矿泉水的窘态如今已经家喻户晓了。
And if you have spoken in front of an audience, you can empathize. A combination of nerves and bright lights causes you to sweat, dehydrate, and need H2O NOW. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. And the more panic you feel, compromising your delivery.如果你也在观众面前演讲过,你就能理解这种尴尬了。紧张和强光会令人流汗、脱水,补充水分就是当务之急。如果你一直忍着不去喝水,时间越久,感觉就会越糟。你会越来越恐慌,讲话的效果也将大打折扣。
It didn't need to be that way. Three simple lessons to speak to a crowd, without sweating:其实你完全可以避免这种情况。以下三个简单的技巧可以避免在面对公众讲话时汗流浃背。
1. Make sure you've got the AC on high and practice with the klieg lights.1.调高空调温度,练习适应聚光灯。
2. Place the water within reach. Rubio's H2O was too low and far away, forcing his desperate reach on camera. I advise clients to plant a bottle on a convenient table or on the podium. No need to hide it.2.把水放在顺手的地方,议员卢比奥的水放得太低太远,迫使他不得不走近镜头。我建议把水放在在顺手的桌上或者讲台上。没必要把它藏起来。
3. Time it right. I work with a top executive and experienced speaker who struggles with his need for frequent water breaks. We actually plan his water breaks at the end of major points in his talks--before or after he delivers a great line. In this way, his water breaks force him to pause and ADD impact.3.时间节点很重要。我曾经遇到过一个高官,他的演讲经验很丰富,但是在讲话时却常常有想喝水的冲动。于是我们就安排他在每个重点讲完的时候喝水,比如在长篇叙述之前或之后这样的节点。用这种方法,他就可以利用喝水的间隙做个停顿,并且强化重点。
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