Have you ever stood before an audience, uncertain whether you are truly connecting with them? Or, have you spoken to a colleague who appears to be getting the message--but whose actions later tell another story? Here are five strategies that can help you stop reciting facts--and start making a true connection.你有没有过这种体验:站在人前说话,却不知道听众是不是真的有在听你说?或者你的同事似乎听懂了你的话,但真正去执行的时候却背道而驰?以下五招教你如何让别人真正听懂你的话,而不是光在那里摆事实而已。
1. Keep your mouth shut--for a couple of moments.1.开口前先等一等
Don't say anything substantive until you have an audience connection. Note that their first impression is visual, not verbal. The body speaks before the mouth is open. Avoid rocking, looking down, and fidgeting. Stand and walk with confidence.在你的听众注意力集中之前,先不要说任何实质性的内容。听话人的第一印象往往来源于他们所看见的,而不是你说了什么。在开口讲话之前,先要注意你的身体语言。不要晃来晃去、不要低头看下面、不要坐立不安。要自信满满地站立或走动。
2. Get your audience engaged.2.让观众参与进来
Get the eyeballs looking up before you say anything. Move with quiet confidence and smile, inviting people to look up and pay attention. Invite your audience to engage on the emotional level by offering a warm greeting. You might even ask them a question that prompts a response. It can be simple, as in: "How is everybody doing today?"在观众抬头看你之前,不要说话。你可以面带微笑、充满自信地走一走,请大家抬起头来,并且集中精神。你可以通过和观众热情地打招呼来吸引他们的参与。你甚至可以用一个提问来得到观众的回应,比如问一问“今天大家都过得怎么样?”
3. Grab their attention to make it memorable.3.吸引注意,让人难忘
People remember the very first substantive that you say. Once you have their attention, jump right in to the most important thing you have to say. This powerful beginning will stick with your audience, creating the impact you're looking for.你说的第一句话是观众记得最牢的。一旦你成功吸引了观众的注意力,马上就把你要说的最重要的内容说出来。这一强有力的开篇会持续吸引观众,达到你预期的效果。
4. Use verbal cues.4.语言引导很重要
Use attention-provoking signals when you move from one part of the speech to the next. For instance, you might verbally number your key points or use other verbal signals like "Let's move on" or "My next topic is..." Always give the audience verbal cues to look up at you.当你的演讲要从一个主题切换到另一个主题时,记得使用一些可以引起听众注意的信号词。比如用数字来标明各个要点,也可以用简单的句子来引导,像是“让我们继续来看”或者“我的下一个主题是......”一定要给听众这些语言上的引导,让他们可以一直跟上你的脚步。
5. Recap what matters.5.复述要点
Take all of the substantive points from your talk and group them all together at the very end of the presentation. Remember your provoking signal and say something like, "In summary," then recap everything from your presentation that matters the most.在你演示的最后,记得要把演讲中所有重要的内容总结归纳,然后复述一遍。记住用引人注意的信号词,比如“总结一下”来复述整场演示中的关键内容。
"In summary," your audience must be able to feel and experience your communications, or you simply won't have the impact that you set out to achieve.“总结一下”,你必须让你的观众能够理解并感知你讲话的内容,不然你很难达到演示所期望的效果的。
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