Having the boss over for dinner can be a very pivotal moment in your career. It can bring your relationship and therefore career on to a whole new level. But it is also a major risk. You are inviting this person and their family or significant other into your home and possibly cooking a meal for them. You are completely exposing yourself. That’s why we thought we would talk to experts about exactly what you should not do.同老板吃饭会成为你职业生涯中非常关键的时刻。它可以带给你新的职场关系,也会把你未来的职业带到一个新的高度。但是,同老板吃饭风险也很大。你是把你的老板,他的家人或者是其他重要的人请到了你的家里,而且很可能会为他们亲自下厨。这时候,你完全把自己暴露了出来。所以,我们必须要向专家请教,在这个关键时刻,什么事情不应该做。