Between the diet-derailing barbecues and the scorching sunburns, seems like there can be a lot to avoid when summer rolls around. 似乎除了营养不均衡的烧烤与灼热的日晒伤之间,想要安然度过夏季还有许多需要避免的东西。
But you might be surprised by some of the healthy perks of summer worth celebrating today, the official first day of the season. Of course, some of our favorite reasons to love spring carry over, like mood-boosting sunshine and stress-reducing time spent in nature.你可能会对某些夏至的健康福利感到惊讶——在这一天,真正意义上的夏季开始。当然,我们也有一些喜欢春季的理由,比如那让人心情舒畅的阳光,以及在自然中减轻压力的时间。
But there are also a few special benefits unique to summer that we’re more than excited to enjoy. Here are some of our favorites.不过,也有一些让我们更为之兴奋的夏季专属好处,下面给大家举几个例子。
1. It’s Vacation Season1. 夏季是度假的季节
Of course, you can take a vacation any time of the year. But with school out and the beach calling, many of us opt for a little time off over the summer months. Doing so may be one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Vacations ease stress and improve mood — even after returning to “real” life. They also seem to protect us from heart disease and heart attacks. And for many people, a little time away brings some added perspective to life and boosts motivation to get back to their goals, US News reported.当然,你可以在一年里任何时间去度假。但由于不用上学,海滩也在那里吸引着我们,许多人都会选择在夏季的几个月里找一些时间放假休息。这样做也算是其中一份给自己最好的礼物了。度假能够舒缓压力,改善心情——即使在你回归“现实”生活之后。而且假期也能保护我们免受心脏病的损害。并且对于许多人来说,离开一段时间能增添对生活的感悟,激发追求目标的动力,据US News报道。
2. Your Heart Stays Healthier2. 保护心脏功能更健康
Speaking of heart problems: In 2012, researchers noted a significant difference in heart attack survival rates during the winter and the summer. “People are 26 to 36 percent more likely to die in winter from a heart attack, a stroke, heart failure or some other circulatory disease,” the study’s lead author told NBC News. That doesn’t mean you can take a break from regular exercise or your nutritious diet. It’s more likely that you’ve gone full steam ahead on your healthiest habits in the summer, giving your heart added protection, NBC News reported.若谈及心脏健康的问题:在2012年,就有研究人员发现了冬季与夏季的心脏疾病存活率有着显著的差异。“年龄介于26岁到36岁的人们更容易在冬季死于心脏病,中风,心脏衰竭或其他循环系统疾病。”本项研究的首席作者在接受NBC News采访时表示。但这不意味着你就能偷懒不做运动或保持营养均衡的饮食习惯了。而是更多意味着你早已保持夏季的健康习惯,再为自己增添了一道健康的保护屏障,据NBC News报道。
3. You’re Sure To Get A Good Sweat3. 你确实得流流汗了
Let’s face it: Summer is hot. Sometimes, it’s even too hot. But when conditions are safe enough for outdoor exercise without risking heat-related illness, one thing’s certain: You’re most definitely going to sweat. That might sound more unpleasant than anything, but truth is a good sweat can be good for you. While it doesn’t exactly detox you, sweating really can help fight infections, since sweat seems to help keep skin clear of bacteria and fungi, according to MSN. Sweating also gives circulation a boost and opens up the pores, which could help your face stay acne-free.面对现实吧:夏季是炎热的。有时候甚至是非常炎热的。但当一切户外活动的条件设施都是安全的,也不会遭受心脏疾病的困扰时,有一件事情是可以确定的:你绝对要流汗。也许听起来一点都不值得高兴,但实际上好好地流一把汗对你的身体很有好处。虽然流汗不能完全排出所有的毒素,但流汗确实能增强免疫力,因为汗液有助隔离细菌与真菌的侵害——选自MSN博客的撰文。流汗同时也能促进新陈代谢,扩张毛孔,免于脸部粉刺的生成。
4. Fruit Abounds 4. 水果盛产期
Summer wouldn’t be complete without heaping helpings of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, watermelon — the list of in-season fruit goes on and on. The best news is these summer picks are as nutritious as they are delicious. All are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins (and flavor!), for very few calories. Blueberries have been linked to lower cholesterol and diabetes risk, raspberries and blackberries are excellent sources of fiber, cherries seem to speed recovery after exercise and curb pain and strawberries may slow cognitive decline with aging. Not to mention fruit is chock-full of water, helping you to stay hydrated on those hot, sweaty days. Fruit salad, anyone?没有堆得满满的草莓,蓝莓,覆盆子,樱桃,西瓜等水果的夏季是不完整的——夏季水果的清单还可以无限延长。这些夏季精华所带来的最好的消息就是它们既营养丰富也非常美味可口。它们都富含抗氧化物质和维生素(还有鲜美的滋味!),而且热量都非常低。蓝莓有助降低胆固醇和肥胖症的风险,覆盆子和黑莓富含纤维素,樱桃加速运动后损伤及肌肉疼痛的复原,而草莓能减缓年龄增长带来的认知能力衰退。更不要说富含水分了,水果能让你在如此炎热、冒汗的日子里保持水分平衡。有没有人想要来一份水果沙拉?
5. Swimming!5. 游泳!
There aren’t too many opportunities to take an outdoor swim during the other three seasons, and we plan to take full advantage. Swimming uses all the muscle groups with minimal impact and improves strength, since the water provides natural resistance, WebMD reported. People with joint pain or arthritis can often participate in water-based exercise more easily — and without worsening symptoms, according to the CDC. Swimming has also been shown to improve mood and alleviate depression. According to a study published in the International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, swimmers even have a lower risk of death than runners and walkers. Plus, is it just us, or is there something about swimming that just seems more fun than exercising on land?在其他三个季节里,能让我们出门游泳的机会真的不多,所以要好好利用这个季节的优势。据WebMD报道,游泳的过程运用到了全身的肌肉群,以最低的影响增加强度,因为水能形成自然的阻力。患有关节疼痛和关节炎的人们多参与水上的运动的难度更低,而且不会加重疼痛症状,据CDC的报道。根据国际水产研究的《研究与教育期刊》发表的一项研究表明,经常游泳的人与经常跑步或步行的人相比,他们的死亡率更低。再者,这是不是只有我们,还是还有一些与游泳相关的事情比在陆地上的运动更有趣呢? |