To challenge oneself, means to motivate the self in such a way that it strengthens, and improves ones habits and skills. Challenging oneself in the work place, is a great way to build knowledge and confidence for any project/assignment that may present itself.挑战自己,意味着以一种能够使人有所提升,养成某种习惯以及提升技能的方式推动着个人的前进。在职场中挑战自己,会是一个很好的面对各种项目或任务时给自己增长知识与提高自信的途径。
1. Always be on the look out for opportunities that will improve your knowledge and work ethic.Never be afraid to take chances.1.坚持不懈寻找能够增长知识和工作技能的机会。永不畏惧接受挑战。
2. Challenge yourself to always do your best, utilizing the resources available to you.2. 挑战自己,坚持尽自己所能,充分利用所有唾手可得的资源。
Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and try to improve in the areas that you feel need it.客观地评估自己的优势与劣势,并在个人认为有必要的方面多加提升。
▶ 和老外练口语,练对了没有?
3. Recall challenges from your previous experience, and note how you handled them.3.回顾以往的经验,并注意自己是如何应对这些挑战的。
Evaluate your weaknesses,demonstrate your capabilities and welcome the advice of a mentor or senior person with experience in the field.评估自己的缺点,突出自己的能力长处并向领域内的导师或经验丰富的前辈请教。
4. Affirm that you are capable of doing anything.4. 坚信自己能够胜任任何事情。
5. Establish attainable goals prior to beginning a new challenge, and recall prior, similar challenges that you have successfully accomplished.在迎接新挑战前,首先设定可以完成的目标,然后再回顾以前那些相似的,我早已出色应对的挑战。
Also, when defining your goals, consider setting goals that relate to how you accomplish tasks that you've already done before. Sometimes challenging yourself doesn't mean trying something new, but rather doing something better than you have previously. This could mean with more precision, with a better attitude, or at a faster pace. Lastly, consider not only the work you're assigned, but also the relationships you have with those you work with. Positive relationships create positive work days. 并且,当你设定目标的时候,你得考虑设定这样的目标——它们能够联系之前你那么出色完成的任务。有时候挑战自己并不意味着尝试新的东西,而是以一种比先前更好的方式去处理相似的事情。这意味着你设定更精准的目标,建立更端正的态度,或着以更快速的节奏完成任务。最后,不仅要考量分配到的任务,还得考虑与你一起共事的同事。积极正面的合作关系能够使大家的工作状态更积极向上。
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Don't give attention to temptations, focus on your target.别被诱惑分散自己的注意力,要全神贯注在你的目标上。
Don't to be afraid of challenges, only think to try your level best. Don't take stress about the results. Lord Krishna says "Do your karma, don't worry about the results".别惧怕面对挑战,只需要记住要尽自己所能。别对结果感到压力。克利须那神说:“做你自己的事,不要担心结果。”
During the procedure of challenging yourself do not take up those tasks that cannot be completed by you otherwise you will make a bad impression at work.在挑战自己的过程中,千万不要选择那些自己无法完成的任务,否则你将会给同事或上司留下不良的印象。
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