1. Don't plan your career: Most of the women on the Fortune MPW list, starting with PepsiCo (PEP) CEO Indra Nooyi, No. 1 in the rankings since 2006, had no clear career map when they graduated college or business school. Rather, they stayed flexible and open to the possibilities.不必规划自己的职业生涯:在最具影响力商界女性榜单中,包括从2006年便一直名列榜首的百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)CEO卢英德在内,大部分人从大学或商学院毕业后并没有明确的职场规划。相反,她们始终保持灵活和开放的姿态,来迎接任何可能出现的机遇和挑战。
2. Forget the ladder: climb the jungle gym. What good is a ladder when the world is changing so fast and unpredictably--and who knows what tomorrow's ideal job will be? Think of your career as a jungle gym, sharpen your peripheral vision, and look for opportunities all around.忘掉晋升阶梯:把职场当做攀爬架。世界变化太快,难以捉摸,梯子到底有什么意义?谁能预见明天最理想的工作是什么?把自己的职业想象成攀爬架,睁大眼睛,保持开阔的视野,从周围寻找机会。
3. Worry about the job you're in:"If you don't do that one well, you'll never get the next one," says Jan Fields, who started out cooking French fries at McDonald's (MCD) and rose to U.S. President. While it's important to envision some ultimate goal, says Fields, "you have to focus on what you have right now, or that long-term opportunity won't come."着眼于眼前:简·菲尔兹最初在麦当劳(McDonald's)负责炸薯条工作,通过不懈努力终于成为麦当劳美国区总裁。她认为:“如果连当前的工作都做不好,何谈下一份工作?”菲尔兹表示,预想一个最终目标当然非常重要,但“首先必须专注于眼下的工作,否则永远不会有长远的机会。”
4. Follow your compass, not your clock: Avon Products (AVP) CEO Andrea Jung lives by this advice, ever since she got passed over the first time around, for the CEO job. Former Time Inc. (TWX) CEO Ann Moore, on the Avon board at the time, gave Jung this advice. It's good that Jung stayed. In the CEO role since 1999, she's now the longest-serving female chief in the Fortune 500, and she's on the Apple (AAPL) and General Electric (GE) boards.瞄准人生大方向,不必在意一时得失:可以说,雅芳产品公司(Avon Products)CEO钟彬娴的成功靠的就是这句话。当时,她在公司CEO的首次角逐中败北,时任雅芳董事会成员、时代集团(Time Inc.)前任CEO的安·摩尔给了她这条忠告。于是,钟彬娴打消了离开的念头,留在了公司。钟彬娴从1999年便一直担任雅芳公司CEO,是《财富》 500强公司(Fortune 500)中任期最长的女性CEO。同时,她还在苹果公司(Apple)与通用电气公司(General Electric)董事会任职。
5. Take risks: Google (GOOG) VP Marissa Mayer had a slew of job offers from well-known companies in 1999 when she was coming out of Stanford University with a Masters in Computer Science. She chose Google, then a brand new startup, because, she says, "I wanted to work for smart people, and I wanted to do things I wasn't ready to do."勇于冒险:1999年,谷歌公司(Google)现任副总裁玛丽莎·梅耶尔从斯坦福大学(Stanford University)毕业,获得了计算机专业硕士学位。当时,有多家知名公司向她伸出了橄榄枝,但她却选择了成立不久的初创公司谷歌。对此,她的解释是因为“我希望能为聪明人打工,而且我希望能够接受从未经历过的挑战。” |