When it comes to moving forward in your career, there are two paths you can take: The ladder or the lattice.当你在事业中正奋力前进的时候,就有两条道路让你选择:梯子还是格子?
For example, one mid-level manager took a calculated risk when she accepted a lower position with a much larger company. On her resume, it looked like a step down the career ladder — but after less than a year in the role, she had gained recognition as a high-potential emerging leader.比如说,一位中等水平的经理,当她接受规模更大的公司所提供的比现有更低的职位时,对于她来说是一个预期的风险。在她的个人简历来看,似乎是往职业阶梯的下部走 -- 但当担任这个职位后不超过一年,她就会发现她有很大的潜在可能升职为领导阶层。
Up is not the only way forward升职不是唯一推动事业前进的选择
Climbing the ladder is the traditional model for career growth, taking a single pathway upward through the corporate hierarchy. However, it's not the only way to move forward. 爬上楼梯是一种传统的推动职业前进的模式:由始至终从同一公司的基层往高层努力攀爬。然而,这并不是唯一获得事业进步的途径。
There is more than one method for building a career, and moving up the ladder is not the only way to move your career forward. Which of these paradigms fits best for you at this phase in your career?建立事业基础的方法不止一个,并且攀爬阶梯也不是唯一的方法。那么哪一种方法才适用于你的事业呢?
You might also want to consider a lattice move if:也许在这些情况,你会考虑职业格子:
You love your work, but you don't love your boss.你热爱自己的工作,但是不热爱你的老板。
If your boss is putting a lid on your career development, don't stay too long. You'll do much better with a boss that's supportive.如果你的老板是你职业发展的阻碍,那就不要在这家公司逗留太久了。如果你的上司支持你的工作,你会做的更好。
Your life outside work takes precedence.工作以外的生活更重要。
If you're in a phase where family, balance or other needs are simply more important than your career, a lattice move can help you maneuver into a role that better supports your current situation.如果你正处于一个家庭,支出或其他需要比工作更重要的阶段,那么,格子式的前进方法也许会引导你进入一个更有助你支持当前生活的环境。
Your job leads into a career dead-end.你的职业毫无上升空间。
If you're on a path with limited opportunities to grow, consider a sideways move into an area with more potential for future advancement. The same goes for when you're working for a business that is stagnating. Ultimately, your career will too, unless you jump ship.如果你的职业发展机会非常有限,那么就考虑一个更多可能的其他的方式。同样的情况,当你在一家滞后发展的公司里工作也可以考虑改变。最终,你的职业发展也会滞后,除非你及时跳槽。
You aspire to become a business leader, not a subject-matter specialist.你渴望成为一位企业领导,而不是技术专家。
Moving laterally can broaden your exposure to different functional areas or business divisions, burnishing your resume for future business leadership positions.离职可以让你接触更多不同功能的领域或业务部门,为未来成为一名领导润色你的简历。
Either model -– ladder or lattice -– can lead you on a path to career growth, leadership and a successful and satisfying career. The choice really is yours.无论是阶梯还是晶格,都可以引导你的事业进步,领导和成功满意的职业,关键在于自己的选择。 |