I’ve always been focused on performance. I’m a list person. I love the feeling of crossing things off. It makes me feel productive. Plus, consistent productivity has the wonderful byproduct of accomplishing more. Jeff Haden summarizes the value of having a daily to-do list beautifully: You don’t wait to do the work until you get the dream job - you do the work in order to get the dream job.我很关心执行情况。我是个喜欢列表的人。我喜欢划掉处理完的事项的感觉。这让我觉得很有效率。另外,持续的效率的产物就是更多的成就。杰夫•哈登总结说列一张每天必做的事的列表的意义是:不要等到有了理想的工作才开始干活——干活是为了得到理想的工作。
It’s the list of ten things I try to do every workday. Yes, there are days when I don’t get them all done, but I do my best to deliver. It has proven very effective for me.They are:这是一张我每天要做的10件事的列表。是的,有时候我没法全都做到,但是我会尽力完成。这对我来说非常有效。这些事是:
Read something related to my industry.读些和从事领域相关的东西。
Read something related to business development.阅些和商业发展有关的东西。
Send two emails to touch base with old colleagues.和旧同事发两封邮件保持联系。
Empty my private client inbox by responding to all career coaching questions within one business day.在一个工作日回复完我个人收件箱的客户邮件,回应他们提出的职业指导问题。
Check in with each team member on their progress.和每个团队成员确认他们的工作进展。
Have a short non-work related conversation with every employee.和每个员工做些与工作无关的简短交谈。
Review my top three goals for my company that are focused on its growth.回顾一下3个我树立的、最重要的、旨在为公司发展的目标。
Identify and execute one task to support each of my top three goals.找出并执行一个能实现最重要的3个目标的任务。
Post five valuable pieces of content on all my major social media accounts.在我的社交媒体账号上发布5条有价值的内容。
Take a full minute to appreciate what I have and how far I’ve come.花上一分钟来认可我所得到的和已经完成的事。
This list could be longer. BUT...列表还可以更长……但是
If it was longer, I wouldn’t be as good at getting them all done. This list is manageable to me. Of course, I do more than these ten things every day. But, these are the ten I choose to do with consistency. Why? Over the years, they’ve proven the best way for me to grow my career and my business. The collective results have made completing these tasks consistently; even when I don’t feel like it, well worth it.如果列表再长一点,我可能完成得不够好。这张列表对我来说是合理的。当然,我每天不止做10件事。但是,这些事我选择坚持做。为什么?多年以来,事实证明这是我发展职业生涯和做好商务事宜的最佳方式。它们共同的结果是让我坚定地完成任务,即使有时候我不喜欢,不过非常值得! |