1. Create a rich work portfolio丰富工作经验
You know doing the bare minimum probably won't get you promoted or recognized. But you also know you haven't received any awards for going above-and-beyond either. What's the point? Skill building! Think about the projects you could take on to build your portfolio of skills and expertise. Maybe you company needs a website redesign and you could lead a committee to brainstorm ideas. Perhaps you could suggest a process to bring customer service up to snuff. Take on one project that is important to you and run with it. Don't expect recognition or a bonus. Do it because it is important to you.想升职的话就不能只按照最低要求来做,得过且过也很难获得奖励。那么升职加薪的关键在哪里呢?就是要提升工作技能!想想有哪些项目是可以提升你的工作技能和丰富职业经历的。也许你的公司需要重新设计网站,那么你可以引导大家头脑风暴一下,又或许你可以针对优化客户服务提些好的建议。尽全力做好一个对你来说很重要的项目。不要因为想获得认可或者奖金而做,而是去做你认为重要的事。