The actress and her husband Mike Comrie welcomed a son on Tuesday, March 20, Duff Tweets. 女星希拉里·达芙3月20日在个人推特宣布,她和丈夫Mike Comrie迎来了儿子的降生。
"Welcome to the World Luca Cruz Comrie! Tuesday evening, we became proud parents of a healthy 7 pound 6 ounce beautiful boy," she writes. 她在推特中写道,“欢迎Luca Cruz Comrie来到人世,小家伙在周二晚上出生,体重7磅6盎司,健康又可爱。作为父母,我们十分骄傲。”
"We are overjoyed and feel like the luckiest parents in the world," she continues. "He is surrounded by so much love!! Mom and baby are both doing extremely well." “我们喜出望外,觉得自己是世界上最幸运的父母,他被这么多爱包围着!!妈妈和孩子一切都好。”
Duff, 24, announced in August that she was expecting her first child, saying that she and Comrie were "ready to start this new chapter in our lives." And she described the experience of being pregnant as "kind of like a little alien has taken over your body. You just don’t quite feel normal." Nevertheless, she said her pregnancy was "super easy." 24岁的希拉里·达芙去年八月宣布怀孕的消息,表示自己与丈夫Comrie都“期待着翻开生活的新篇章”。对于怀孕的经历,她形容就像“有个小外星人控制了你的身体,你总觉得不大正常”。不过,她表示怀孕过程对她而言还是“相当轻松”。
In November, Duff flaunted her growing belly on the red carpet, where she said she'd decided to forego loose fitting outfits and to show off her changing figure. "I'm kind of like, 'Well, it's there, and everyone knows it's there,' so I think it looks better to wear tighter clothes." 去年11月,希拉里在红毯上展示了她的“便便大肚”,她决定放弃宽松的孕妇装,向公众展现自己身材的变化。“既然大家都知道我怀孕的事实,那我就应该穿一些更修身的衣服让自己看起来漂亮点。”
Duff and Comrie – who got married on August 10, 2010 – can now look forward to many happy holidays as a family.希拉里与丈夫Comrie于2010年8月10日结婚。如今,他们可以一家人一起期待更多节日的来临。 |