But in all fairness, it sounds a lot worse than it is.
Photographers were camped outside the Mercer Hotel in New York on Sunday waiting for an anticipated exit from Lindsay Lohan who had hosted Saturday Night Live the night before.
Little did they know, another famous blonde was also staying there.
When Blondie singer Debbie Harry exited the hotel, covered up with a hoodie and shades (looking pretty fantastic for her age, BTW), cameras started snapping away thinking it was actually Lohan. Yes, she's 66 years old, but we gotta admit—whether it was the platinum hair or the similar smile, Harry looked a lot like 25-year-old Lohan.
Splash photogs told E! News that they were aware it was Harry from the start, and believe that the other photographers did not realize they were taking shots of the wrong person until after a few frames, but also mentioned, "Debbie bore a striking resemblance, albeit older, to the young starlet."
沪江娱乐快讯:确定出演传奇女星伊利莎白·泰勒的美国话题女星林赛·罗韩近日加盟《周六夜现场》节目再次引起话题,于是引来一大群狗仔在她入住的酒店门口围追堵截。谁料当日该酒店内还住着一位大牌明星狄波拉·哈利。令人哭笑不得的是,66岁的狄波拉当日造型跟街拍女王Lilo一样一样的,眼拙的同学真的很容易将两人混淆。金得发白的头发、毛茸茸的外套、黑超墨镜……66岁的狄波拉绝对紧抓潮流,而这个时候25岁的林赛·罗韩估计要默默擦泪了。 |