Everyone makes mistakes – and young celebrities are no exception, says Julia Roberts.
The Mirror Mirror actress, 44, is bothered by the lack of what young stars are able to get away with in the public eye, compared to when she started in the business decades ago.
"There's the express elevator and there's rehab," she tells Vanity Fair. "It's so awful. Nobody gets a fair trial-and-error period that everybody deserves and everybody needs."
Adds Roberts, "The business is so different. You can never be that new girl [who] has that moment of, 'Where'd she come from?' "
Roberts – whose niece Emma, 21, is part of the young Hollywood community – has three little ones of her own with hubby Danny Moder, and they seem clueless to their mom's fame.
"[I was] on a crowded street, and somebody noticed me, and then another person noticed," Roberts says. "Somebody said as we were walking past, 'Oh, that's Julia Roberts.' We all just kind of kept going, and then [twin son Phinnaeus] said, 'Yeah, my mom's Julia Robinson.' That's what gives you perspective. It could be Robinson, it could be Johnson, because it has nothing to do with me as a person."
沪江娱乐快讯:最近好莱坞“大嘴美女”、奥斯卡影后朱莉亚·罗伯茨为《名利场》拍摄大片,在采访中朱莉亚表示了对于如今活跃在好莱坞的年轻艺人们的关怀。她表示当她刚入行的时候,没这么多狗仔天天跟在她后面,“监视”她的一言一行。不容有一点差池。现在这些年轻的青少年艺人们的生活几乎全部曝光在众人眼前,一言一行全部受关注,有一点点小毛病就被媒体无限放大。朱莉亚自己21岁的侄女也于几年前加入少女偶像的行列,作为好莱坞资深的女演员,朱莉亚能够充分体会他们的不易,她同时呼吁对给这些孩子一点空间。而且,人无完人,谁不会犯错,应该给年轻人多点宽容和自由。 |