Chelsea Clinton is set to renew her contract with NBC News, according to multiple reports.
The New York Post and the Washington Post's Erik Wemple both reported Friday night that Clinton — who initially signed a 90-day contract with the network in November — will re-up with NBC. Clinton has so far produced two reports for "Rock Center," and sources told the Post that it will likely remain her main television home when she re-signs.
There had been rumors that she would split from NBC after her contract was up.
Of course, that won't stop critics from questioning Clinton's journalistic chops, as they did from the moment she joined NBC News. Her latest report for the network, which aired on Wednesday's "Rock Center," received more scathing reviews, with Baltimore Sun critic David Zurawik calling it "one-dimensional, under-reported [and] naive."
但切尔西的表现最多只能用“差强人意”来形容,观众则纷纷用“史上最无聊记者”、“单调”、“缺乏魅力”等字眼来评价她。电视评论界的反响甚至更为强烈。切尔西首秀播出之后,就有电视评论家指出,切尔西的首秀“僵硬、紧张而又无聊”,NBC不过是想用她的名人效应赚取更高收视率。而近日刊登在《巴尔的摩太阳报》上的评论文章则质疑切尔西采访前根本没有做足功课,根本不符合一个专题节目记者的标准,并呼吁NBC停止这出由“自我感觉良好的克林顿小姐自导自演的滑稽闹剧”。 到目前为止,NBC和切尔西·克林顿都没有就此事发表任何评论。 |