Among all of the Kim Kardashian rumors, let's just call this one the most Linsane.
According to a report in MediaTakeOut this morning, the recently divorced reality star (who has been known to trawl the NBA league in the past, hence Kris Humphries) is scheduled to meet with Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin.
That's right: Kardashian, 31, supposedly orchestrated a date with the 23-year-old Harvard-educated basketball star, who's spurred a seven-game winning streak for the Knicks and is the sport's latest feel-good story. He's also highly religious, which means that the Christian Post found justice in reporting on the possible Linderella romance between Lin and the tabloid favorite.
Offended Lin fans, relax: Looks as if this one's all just part of the #linsanity. A source very close to Kardashian told The Huffington Post, "This is not true and there's never been any conversations about this."
卡戴珊为美国娱乐界名媛,服装设计师,演员,企业家,2007年因为“性爱录影带”事件而爆红。据悉,卡戴珊就像篮球圈内的游魂,尽管她本不属于这个圈子,但是总能和一些球员扯上关系。与亨弗里斯的72天婚姻让她知名度更高,而此前更是传出他与科比-布莱恩特将进行约会,还请自己的妹夫拉马尔·奥多姆牵线搭桥。 |