Tom Cruise made his maiden visit to India over the weekend, but the Hollywood actor had trouble believing he was finally here. “I have wanted to come here all my life. I kept telling Anil (Kapoor), a great actor and an incredible host, ‘I promise you I will come to India’.汤姆克鲁斯于周末现身印度,这位好莱坞演员是第一次来印度,但他不敢相信他终于来到了这里。“我一直都很想来这里。Anil Kapoor(注:亚尼·卡普,《贫民窟百万富翁》饰演主持人)是一个很伟大的演员和主持人,我总是跟他说,‘我保证将来一定会来印度'。”
Yesterday, when we were at the Taj Mahal, I told him ‘You have to pinch me. I can’t believe I am here’, he said. Cruise was in India for three days between December 3-5 to promote his film Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, which also stars Kapoor. “I’m honoured and privileged to be in India. I loved being here. The atmosphere and the people here are very nice.“昨天,当我们在泰姬陵的时候,我告诉他‘你得掐一下我。我实在不敢相信我在这儿’。”他说。克鲁斯在印度待了三天(12月3号到5号),宣传他的电影《谍中谍4:幽灵协议》。卡普也在这部电影中担任主角。“来到印度我感到很荣幸。我很爱待在这里。这里的气氛和人民都很友好。”
The actor attended a special screening of the film in Mumbai on Sunday evening with co-stars Anil Kapoor and Paula Patton.Bollywood A-listers Abhishek Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor , Neil Nitin Mukesh and Dhanush of Kolaveri Di fame were also present.周日晚,他和另外两位主演(亚尼·卡普和宝拉·巴顿),参加了一个在孟买举行的特别的电影首映。到场的还有宝莱坞一线明星、Abhishek Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor , Neil Nitin Mukesh和电影《Kolaveri Di fame》中的Dhanus。
“I love watching Hindi movies. There are many Hindi movies that come every year but I do watch a few of them. (If offered a Bollywood film), I would never say no.” the 49-year-old said. He added that it was a delight working with Kapoor.“我爱看印度电影。每年都会出很多印度电影不过我只看过几部。如果有宝莱坞电影找我来演,我决不会拒绝的。”49岁的阿汤哥说。他还补充到,和卡普合作十分愉快。
Cruise spent two hours with his 1500 fans who had come for the screening. Many carried posters with ‘We Love You, Tom Cruise’, and ‘Welcome to Mumbai’ written on them. When they asked him when he is coming back, he said, “Next time, it will be with Katie and Suri.”克鲁斯和1500个赶到放映现场的粉丝们一同待了两个小时。很多粉丝都举着海报,上面写着“我们爱你,汤姆克鲁斯” 、“欢迎来孟买”。当被问及什么时候再回印度,阿汤哥说,“下一次,我就会带着俩闺女Katie和Suri来咯!” |