Zooey Deschanel, Ben Gibbard Separate《房客小妹》女主角佐伊回归单身行列
Zooey Deschanel has gone from New Girl to single girl.福克斯台新剧《房客小妹》的女主角佐伊重回单身大家族。
After rockin' the national anthem at the World Series and debuting a hit television show, it seems like Zooey Deschanel has hit a bump in the road.先为世界职业棒球大赛献唱国歌,后又拉开新一季电视大战的序幕,佐伊在事业上顺风顺水,但在人生路上却闪了一下腰。
It has confirmed that actress Zooey Deschanel and Death Cab for Cutie musician and singer Ben Gibbard have separated.已经有消息证实,女演员佐伊·丹斯切尔和乐队主唱本·吉巴德已经和平分手。
It was mutual and amicable. There was no third party involved.两人是达成共识,和平分手,没有第三者介入。
Deschanel and Gibbard have been married since September 2009. They got engaged in late 2008, before Christmas, People magazine had reported.2008年圣诞节前夕,两人订婚,《人物》杂志还对此进行了报道。之后,两人于2009年9月结婚至今。
Deschanel has spoken about Gibbard in several interviews. In a 2010 interview with Health magazine, she said Gibbard was a great human being who made her laugh, but she put off the idea of having babies for the time.佐伊曾在多次采访中提到吉巴德。在去年接受《健康》杂志专访时,佐伊表示,吉巴德是个很好的男人,会逗她开怀大笑。但她觉得现在还没到生孩子的时候。
"You get married, and immediately everyone starts asking about that!" she told Health. "It's like, I just wanna be married and work right now. Kids are way far off."佐伊告诉《健康》杂志说,“结婚后,每个人就都会问你要不要孩子的问题。我现在只是想结婚,并且想好好工作,孩子的事还早着呢。”
佐伊·丹斯切尔一直是大众视野里的浪漫喜剧“小甜甜”,出演了多部校园青春剧和浪漫喜剧。剧中的她总是理智又美丽,角色也大都是苦涩又甜蜜,令人难忘。现年31岁的佐伊(神马?佐伊31岁了?真是保养有道啊!)这次担纲福克斯台的新剧《房客小妹》女主角,吸引了不少眼球。 |