A 20-year-old woman has filed a paternity lawsuit against Justin Bieber in San Diego, Calif., claiming he is the father of her three-month old son. Star is reporting that Mariah Yeater says she slept with Justin on Oct. 25, 2010, when she was 19 — and he was only 16. “[Justin] told me he wanted to make love to me and this was going to be his first time,” she claims in the lawsuit.一名20岁女性向圣地亚哥法院提起诉讼,要求传唤人气小天王贾斯汀·比伯进行亲子鉴定。该女子声称贾斯汀是她三个月大的儿子的生父。《明星》杂志报道说,玛丽娅·伊特称,她于2010年10月25日晚与当时只有16岁的贾斯汀发生了性关系,而她本人也只有19岁。玛丽娅在诉讼中说,“贾斯汀告诉我,他想和我做爱,而这将是他的初夜。”
The conception allegedly went down backstage after one of Justin’s concerts at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Mariah’s suit claims Justin refused to use a condom.这场“私生子悬案”据称发生在贾斯汀去年在洛杉矶的演唱会后台。玛丽娅在诉讼中说贾斯汀当时拒绝使用避孕套。
“Justin suggested that I go with him to a private place where we could be alone. … After walking away from the other people backstage, Justin found a place where we could be alone — a bathroom.”“贾斯汀要我和他去一个隐蔽的地方,这样我们就能单独在一起了。我们从其他人旁边走过,他找到了一个我们可以独处的地方,浴室。”
A Justin Bieber team insider told that “the lawyer has been peddling this story for money to a number of outlets. It really raises serious questions about the lawyer’s motive. Justin is naturally a target.”贾斯汀团队的内部人士告诉我们,“(该女子的)律师把这个故事有偿地提供给一些渠道。这个律师的动机很有问题。贾斯汀自然就成了靶子。”
Justin’s PR rep, Matt Hiltzik, also issued this statement:“It’s sad that someone would fabricate malicious, defamatory and demonstrably false claims. We will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect Justin against these allegations.”贾斯汀的经纪人也发表了如下 |