Is there anything Chris Colfer can't do these days? The breakout 'Glee' star who sang, danced, and acted his way to a Golden Globe win last year can now add "author" to his resume.现如今还有什么事克里斯·科尔弗不会的么?这位在《欢乐合唱团》中表现出色的明星唱、舞、演俱佳,在去年还拿到了金球奖。最新消息是这位全才又可以在自己的简历里多加一个职业——作者。
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Colfer, 21, recently signed a two-book deal for Young Readers.据The Hollywood Reporter报道,21岁的科尔弗最近打算为小读者出两本书。
The first book, titled 'The Land of Stories,' follows the adventures of a set of twins and will combine fairytales into a modern setting. The book, which targets young readers ages 8 to 12, will be released next summer. A second, yet-to-be-titled book will follow.他的第一本书叫做《The Land of Stories》,说的是一对双胞胎的冒险故事,在现代社会的大背景下,这本书带有童话色彩。这本书的目标读者群是8到12岁的年轻读者,将会在明年夏天发行。第二本书名暂时还未定。
"When I was 10 years old, I promised myself that if I ever had the opportunity to write this book, I would jump at the chance," Colfer said in a statement Wednesday. "This book has been at the core of my imagination for a long time and I'm excited and nervous to share it."“我10岁的时候就答应自己,如果将来有机会写书,我一定会抓住找个机会,”科尔弗周三的时候说。“这本书的核心内容我已经构思了很久了,现在终于可以和大家分享它,让我觉得很兴奋又有点小紧张。” |