Just as there are two Snow Whites, there are apparently two Jeff Buckley movies in the works. HollywoodLife.com was the first to tell you Penn Badgley would be playing famed musician Jeff Buckley, and we were 100% right about that. What we did get wrong, and we fully admit this, was which Jeff Buckley film he would be starring in.就像现在有两部《白雪公主》正在拍摄一样,现在也有两部《杰夫·巴克利》正在投拍。HollywoodLife网站独家向大家通报佩恩·贝格利将会在电影中扮演杰夫·巴克利这个音乐家角色,这条消息我们百分百确定其真实性。而我们不确定的是,正在投拍的两部杰夫·巴克利为主题的电影中,佩恩·贝格利将会参演哪一部。
The movie will center around the father-son musicians. Penn Badgley says, “To play a man who was singularly gifted as an artist, greatly misunderstood & mythologized as a human being… It’s something very special and sacred. I’m going to give all I can to this project.”电影将会以杰夫·巴克利和他父亲两位音乐家之间的关系为中心。佩恩·贝格利说:“要扮演这个样一个天赋异禀的艺术家,同时又充满了神秘色彩的人,让我觉得很特别也很有压力。我会尽全力演好这个人物。
The movie starts shooting this August in NYC.这部电影将会在今年8月于纽约开拍。 |