The second trailer for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," the final chapter in the film saga about the Boy Who Lived and the dark lord with no nose who wants him dead, debuted online last night. And the latest clip reinforces what we've already gathered about the upcoming film, based on the previous trailer and/or J.K. Rowling's source material:
That "Deathly Hallows," part one of which arrives in theaters Nov. 19, may be too scary for children under the age of 8.
That you won't like Ron Weasley when he's angry.
Ron Weasley发起飙来,真是不讨人喜欢啊。
That seven Harry Potters -- including one that apparently dresses like Kurt from "Glee" -- are better than one.
And that, as we concluded long ago, Lord Voldemort is 87 times more disturbing than anything that occurs in the "Twilight" movies.
还有一点早就说过了,伏地魔那扮相哦,比《暮光之城》里所~有出现过的好人坏人不是人的生物都要可怕87倍,赞诶! |