Betty: Bye Bye Braces
Everyone in the world knows by now that her braces are coming off, but here's your exclusive first look at how Ugly Betty will lose her metal in the March 24 episode.
In the comedy's grand tradition of avoiding the expected, the procedure will not occur in a dentist's office, but rather at the Guggenheim Museum where Betty collides face first into a mannequin sporting a blinged-out million dollar bra.
"I chipped my front tooth rehearsing this scene - and it hurt!," reveals America Ferrera. "I thought how incredibly ironic that I mess up my tooth in the episode where Betty's smile is supposed to be perfect and there are extreme close-ups of my mouth."
A dentist was summoned to the make-up trailer to fix the star's chip, though on camera it will be guest orthodontist Kathy Najimy extricating Betty from her stuck braces. And who gets to pocket the iconic prop chops? "I think I'm okay with ABC keeping the braces," cracks America, "but I want the poncho."
Ugly? Not any more... TV's Betty gets a makeover as the popular show heads towards its final episode
She's soon to be disappearing from our screens for good but before she bows out there's a chance to see Ugly Betty looking not-so-ugly. In a dream sequence, from a forthcoming episode in the show's final season called Million Dollar Smile, the much loved character finally loses her braces and shakes off her dowdy image. Betty, played by actress America Ferrera, visits Dr. Frankel (Kathy Najimy) where she is transformed into a beautiful, but mean, woman.
尽管这个姑娘将离开电视屏幕,这部剧集也终于划上了句号。但在这之前《丑女贝蒂》会在临走给我们留下最美的回忆——贝蒂变漂亮了!在“百万美元微笑”这一集,我们的女主角终于摘掉牙套,和那个土气又寒酸的形象说拜拜了。但是据剧透称,贝蒂此次变身不光是形象上的改变,性格也会由之前的平易近人,亲和力强转变成刻薄恶毒。你想看到贝蒂这样的转变吗? |