麦可·布雷是演员 Crystal Bublé 的哥哥,他的姓氏 Bublé 可以发音为 "Boo-blay"。他的首张专辑《It's Time》神奇般的在72周内雄踞不仅加拿大,还包括日本、意大利等十多个国家内销量排名首位,专辑《It's Time》获得了2次格莱美提名。
美国《时人杂志》称赞他“如丝绒般柔滑的男中音,独具品味地轻触你心”,《纽约邮报》称赞他 “这个令人注目、充满感情的低音歌手使人想起年轻的法兰克辛纳屈”,《洛杉矶时报》也称赞他“天生的中低音与动感的舞台表演,麦克布雷以轻松自在的自信, 与他的听众分享他活泼的诠释风味”。当你亲耳听到麦克布雷(Michael Buble)的倾情演唱时,你就会明白,以上这些溢美之词都不为过。不过,当你在报刊杂志上看到他的照片时,你还是会惊诧于眼前这位有着金棕色的卷发、超级会放电的大眼睛,笑容亲切又带点稚气的大男孩,竟有如此成熟迷人的中低嗓音,以及炉火纯青的精熟唱功。而今他将用他的温柔本色融化每颗冰封寒冷的心,带你回到上个世纪的浪漫年代。
Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris or Rome...
But I wanna go home
May be surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
Just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know
And I've been keeping all the letters
That I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
I'm fine baby, how are you
I would send them but I know that
It's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that
Another aeroplane
another sunny place
I'm lucky I know
But I wanna go home
I got to go home
Let me go home
I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home
And I feel just like I'm living
Someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why
You could not come along with me
This was not your dream
But you always believed in me...
Another winter day
Has come and gone away
In either Paris or Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home
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