Lady Gaga performed a medley of some of David Bowie's best-known songs at the 2016 Grammys, paying tribute to the rocker who died unexpectedly a little over a month ago.2016年格莱美颁奖典礼上,嘎嘎小姐一连表演了数首大卫·鲍威的热单,以此向这位一个多月前意外去世的“摇滚巨人”致敬。
The singer, accompanied by Nile Rodgers on guitar and Raphael Saadiq on bass, worked her way through "Space Oddity," "Changes," "Ziggy Stardust," "Suffragette City," "Rebel Rebel," "Fashion," "Fame," Under Pressure" and "Let's Dance" before closing with "Heroes."嘎嘎和吉他手尼尔·罗杰以及贝斯手拉斐尔·萨阿迪一同表演,她用自己的方式向观众们呈现了大卫的作品,包括《太空怪人》、《改变》、《Ziggy Stardust》、《妇女参政的城市》、《反叛 反叛》、《时尚》、《名气》、《压力之下》和《一起来跳舞》等,并以《英雄们》结束表演。
Gaga already honored Bowie, whom she's said had a strong influence on her, with her red-carpet look, sporting flame-orange hair and glittery blue eyeshadow reminiscent of Bowie's "Life on Mars" video.嘎嘎在红毯上染了火黄色的头发,还涂上了闪亮的蓝色眼影,这都让人想起鲍威在《火星生命》视频中的造型,她的红毯着装就向鲍威表达了自己的敬意,因为嘎嘎说鲍威对自己影响深远。
Over the weekend, Gaga got a Ziggy Stardust tattoo.过去的一周,嘎嘎还纹上了Ziggy Stardust纹身。
Prior to Bowie's death, Gaga talked to The Hollywood Reporter about his influence on her.鲍威去世之前,嘎嘎就曾向《好莱坞记者报》讲述过大卫对自己的影响。
"When I fell in love with David Bowie, when I was living on the Lower East Side, I always felt that his glamour was something he was using to express a message to people that was very healing for their souls," Gaga told. "He is a true, true artist, and I don't know if I ever went, 'Oh, I'm going to be that way like this,' and that's what drew me to him."“爱上大卫·鲍威时,我住在下东区,我总是觉得他的魅力能够传递出治愈灵魂的信息,”嘎嘎说。“他是真正的艺术家,我不知道自己能否企及,’噢,我会用这种方式去实现,’这就是他吸引我的地方。” |