Artist:Hope Sandoval & the Warm Inventions
I'm merely standing on holes in the ground
If I fall over, they'll never know I'm found
I may leave, but I'll never go back there
I'm only stumbling on the things that I air
Like those days on the porch of your house
All those times you sent my brother down your road
Holding on to the dope that you sold
I knew then that we could never be blessed
I know it this way and I know what I confess
And I'm not
Gonna say
I forget
'Cause I remember
Every day
I play death in the space of my life
That's how I feel, and I'll never think it twice
All these things that I held against you
Who should we blame for the things that we do
Who blames who for the ways that we turn
This all grow and will never see you burn
Inside I feel like a child that's all
I'm only saying the things that I've been told
And I'm not
Gonna say
I forget
'Cause I remember
Every day
Every day
Hope Sandoval是原mazzy star主唱。
Mazzy Star在80年代暗地里谙熟了整洁的技巧,遂打通了通往90年代迷幻音乐的幽深隧道。但是,如果你要找寻的是带有笑脸的天籁之音,面对他们需斟酌再三才是。当吉他手David Roback用吉他和拨片挑动回授和失真的神经、Hope Sandoval简洁和闪着夜晚河面上幽光的声音升向上整个世界的银色夜晚,所有的幻想跌落在西方的滩涂上:他们的意图是远离真实生命的痛楚,在麻木的童话里变得神经质。区别于其它的迷幻乐队的是,他们避开了瘾君子的欣然分裂,而仿佛酒醉后的头痛与麻木。这意味着成长于80年代的Mazzy Star避开了Jefferson Airplane和Grateful Dead的迷幻与欣喜,而深入了the Doors和The Velvet Underground的黑暗意识深处的疏离性抒情和痛苦思索之中。
Mazzy Star解散后,女主唱 Hope Sandoval邀集气味相投的乐手组成了the Warm Inventions。 |