Artist:My Little Pony
Do you know what they are talking about back stage
they think nobody is listening
forbidden dreams about living in the fantasy world
when no one else gets to go
please whispering to her
as the night is coming on
before helping off this with the obsession messes
Please put on your own
cause he might be star someday
we could be huge on our own way
we're not telling anyone they will be too soon
we will just keep doing what we do and then one day that might come true
They just think they ever tell us about their plans
when they hadn't even told themselves
and wouldn't when wait too much
you can blame it on some music from the old days but my
patience tend to be beyond kind
so they have to be consealed and you are whispering to her
as the night is coming on
before helping you off with the obsession messes
please put on your own
cause he might be star someday
could be huge on our own way
we are not telling anyone that will be too soon
we will just keep doing what we do and then one day that might come true
when we might be star someday
could be huge on our own way
we are not telling anyone this's not just yet
we are just keep doing what we do and then one day it might come true
(歌词由沪友vio313、_sea_ 听写提供,错误之处欢迎回复指正^^)
My little Pony来自挪威,新专辑《think too much》08年10发行。看着这五个朝气蓬勃的年轻人,心里多少有些怅惘与鼓励。他们的歌描述着年轻人的梦想与遭遇,有时是清爽的男声,有时是低落的女生呓语。年轻是思考最矛盾的阶段,承受着成长的朦胧意识与理性建构。于是,想得太多,容易受伤。不如静下心来听听他们的歌,感受来自遥远北欧的气息,或许你会有另一种时空的感悟吧。
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