Artist:Lighting love Song:Everyone I know
Everybody knows
I've got a job but I never wanna go
rather stay at home
lay in bed watch TV and drink alone
And you are just the same
you think being grown-up is some kinda game
and I've gotta say
all your interests and goals are pretty lame 精美的沪江英乐盒子,收藏我的私房曲目^_^
Everyone I know is no good
Everyone is no good
at nothing at all
You say we are wasting such a great potential
Oh oh
Everyone I know is no good
Everyone is no good
at nothing at all
I guess it's all this means so little
Oh oh
I don't cook or clean
I need someone to pick up after me
What's the point in me
good if I am never out and never seen
try to go too fast
***I can't get up there fast
But they just move fast
I hear them say I am a pain in the ass
Everyone I know is no good
Everyone is no good
at nothing at all
You say we are wasting such a great potential >>点此进入论坛提交你的翻译作品,赢取乔纳斯最新专辑
burning up568504.jpg
Everyone I know is no good
Everyone is no good
at nothing at all
I guess it's all this means so little
I swear they weren't just nonsense words
You don't agree
I swear that this means nothing
to me
Everyone I know is no good
Everyone is no good
at nothing at all
You say we are wasting such a great potential
Everyone I know is no good
Everyone is no good
at nothing at all
I guess it's all this means so little (歌词由沪友amybupt、vio313、_sea_ 听写提供,错误之处欢迎回复指正^^)