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一部爱情电影通常都会有一首主题曲与之相配,《安娜与国王》也不例外。当电影即将结束时,当安娜与国王踩着小步华尔兹节奏逐渐地消失在夜色之中时,令人心碎的主题曲《How Can I Not Love You》在天才少女新秀Joy Enriquez纯美的中高音的演绎下,使在场的每个人动容。
Artist:Joy Enriquez
Song:How Can I Not Love You
Cannot touch, Cannot hold, Cannot be together
Cannot love, Cannot kiss, Cannot love each other
Must be strong and we must let go
Cannot say what our hearts must know
沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中
How can I not love you
What do I tell my heart
When do I not want you here in my arms
How does one walks away
From all of the memories
How do I not miss you when you are gone
Cannot trip, Cannot share sweet and tender moments
Cannot feel how we feel, Must pretend it's over
Must be brave and we must go on, Must not say
What we no longer long
How can I not love you
What do I tell my heart
When do I not want you here in my arms
How does one walks away
From all of the memories
How do I not miss you when you are gone
How can I not love you
Must be brave and we must be strong
Cannot say what we no longer long
How can I not love you
What do I tell my heart
When do I not want you here in my arms
How does one walks away
From all of the memories
How do I not miss you when you are gone
How can I not love you
When you are gone