Song:What if
every romance is moving and purified
miles and miles i'm seeking. waiting for this kind
true two lovers are doomed to meet under one big tree
and no matter how different people like you and me
the candle burned so soft i felt the warmth and felt it slowly glow and
While kissing of the dark embraces my somniloquence as fantasy
always keep it as a little secret
always keep it totally in peace
so what if slown down, rewrite the moment
(at the fist ill-sounding scene)
what if chocolate not choosing cream
(if yuo dropped into another inn)
and what if quickly-loving hearts would then
quickly loathe, quickly flow
though quickly tied to make a lasting troth
《You have choices,don't you?》是拖特巴士大乐团的发表的第二张唱片,仍旧是清爽动听的民谣风情,只是相对于《冬凉夏暖》的暖意洋洋,《你不是还有选择嘛?》更多的展现出成长所伴随的思考、选择、失去、以及承担。饱含更为内敛心情的作品,不像以往那样可以轻易读懂,更为细密的心思与情节却隐藏在依旧动听的旋律中,更为辗转委婉的向你表达。
1 What if
2 Whatever cost it takes
3 Live it again
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